T R EM E L L A vesicaria.
Bladder' Tremella.
Gen. Char. Fructification scarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like substance.
Spec. Char. Membranous, somewhat rigid, brownish
white, pouch-like, tilled with viscid evanescent
Syn. Tremella vesicaria. Bull. Fung. 224. t. 4 2 f . f . 3.
B u l l ia r d mentions this as a very rare species. Our specimen
was found many years since, by the late Mr. Jacob Rayer,
hear Maidstone, Kent, and communicated to Mr. Sowerby by
T. F. Forster, Esq.
This Tremella always grows on the ground, either solitary or
in tufts, fixed by fibrous radicles. When young it consists of a
turgid bag, whose coat is about half a line in thickness, pliable,
with a considerable degree of firmness and elasticity, enclosing a
mass of viscid jelly. The jelly is in time discharged by a rupture
of the bag, which collapses, and looks like the fresh bladder of
an animal just emptied of its contents. The whole assumes a
reddish brown hue as it verges towards decay. Bulliard speaks
of a green variety, unknown to us.