[ 7°9 ]
T R E M E L L A rnefenterica.
Plaited Yellow Tremella. -
Gen. Char. Fructification fcarcely perceptible, in a
membranous jelly-like fubftance.
Spec. Char. Seffile, clu tte red , pla ited, lobed, waved,
o ran g e -co lo u red .
S y n . T rem e lla rnefenterica. Retz. Prodr. 2 9 4 .
Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 1. 1 4 . With. v. 4 . 7 9 . Hull.
3 0 9 . Sibth. 3 9 1 . Abbot. 2 7 1 .
T . mefenteriformis. Jacq. M iß . Außr. v. 1. 1 4 2 .
t. 1 3 .
T . ju n ip e r in a . H udf. 5 6 2 . Relb. 4 4 1 .
A g a ricu s m emb ran ac eu s finuofus, fu b ttan tiâ g ela-
tinæ . Rail Syn. 2 1 .
T l HIS very ftriking vegetable is found now and then on
dead branches of Oaks or other trees, or on decayed flumps
of the common Broom, and Furze. I never remember to
have feen it in fuch plenty as in November 1 7 9 9 , on a hurdle
fence in the higher road from Guildford to Farnham, Surrey.
It is always found on dead wood or bark, forming clufters>
of various dimenfions, of a more or lefs deep orange-colour;
when young, pale yellow or whitifh. Its fubftance in moift
feafons, when alone the plant is in perfection, is foft and
flexible, neither clammy to the touch nor very tender. In
dry weather, or when gathered and laid by, it fh rinks con-
fiderably, grows darker coloured, hard and firm; but revives
in moifture. It has little tafte or fmell. The fru&ification is
hitherto unknown, yet it appears to be an annual plant, and
confequently propagated by feed.