LEUCOPOGON lanceolatus.
Spear-leaved Leueopogon.
Limean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. EPACRIDEjE. Brown prodr. 1. p. 535.
Subordo I. STYPHELIJE. Ovarii loculi monospermi. Pericarpium clausum,
rard capsulare (?)
LEUCOPOGON. Calyx bibracteatus. Corolla infundibuliformis, limbo patenti,
iongitudinaliter barbato. Filamenta inclusa. Ovarium 2-5-loculare. Drupa baccata
v. exsucca, nunc Crustacea.—Frutices scepi humiles. Folia sparsa, quandoque inter-
rupto-conferta. Flores spicati, axillares v. terminates. Discus hypogynus cyatluformis,
sublobatus, raro nullus. Brown prodr. 541.
Sect. I. Spicce axillares, multifloree. Drupa baccata.
L. lanceolatus, spicis subnutantibus aggregatis 10-15-floris, foliis lineari-lanceolatis
acutis muticis planis 3-5-nervibus multistriatis subtus glaucescentibus, ramulis
Leucopogon lanceolatus. Brown prodr. 541. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p. 323. Rcem. et
. Schult, syst. 4. p. 474.
Styphelia lanceolata. Smith new holl. 49. excl. synonym. Pers. syn. 1. p. 174. Spreng,
syst. 1. p. 657.
Styphelia parviflora. Andr. reposit. t. 287.
Styphelia gnidium. Vent. malm. t. 23. Pers. syn.-1. p. 174. Poir. enc. meth. 7. p. 486.
n. 10.
A small branching upright evergreen Shrub: branches slender,
smooth, well clothed with leaves. Leaves alternate, sessile,
linearly or narrowly lanceolate, acute, but not mucronate, flat,
generally 3-nerved, except a few of the largest, which are 5-
nerved, striated with numerous lines, of a pale green on the
upper side, and slightly glaucous underneath. Flowers white,
sweet-scented. Spikes axillary, and terminal, a little nodding,
aggregate, -10 to 15-flowered. Peduncles smooth, purple. Bractes smooth, ovate, concave, scarcely acute, 2 embracing
the calyx, and one clasping it at the base. Calyoc 5 -parted,
smooth; laciniae ovate, concave, with thin white membranaceous
margins. Corolla funnel-form; tube short, inflated |
limb 5-cleft, the laciniae about half the length of the tube, linear,