BO RO NIA semilata.
Rose-coloured Boronia.
Natural Order. RUTACEÆ. DC. prodr.l. p. 709.
Tribus I. D io sm eæ . Petala 3-5 à basi libera, æquali et corallam regulärem
constituentia. Semina albuminosa.
BORONIA. Calyx 4-fidus persistens. Petala 4 ovata persistentia. Stamina 8,
rariùs 4 sepalis opposita antherifera, 4 altera abortiva, filamentis ciliatis incurvis.
Styli 4 erecti approximati aut inter se coaliti. Carpella 4 bivalvia introrsùm connata
in capsulam 4-lobam 4-locularis. Semina in locula subsolitaria ovata compressa. Embryo
rectus in albumino carnoso, radicula inféra ex 3. p. 156. t. 211.—Fru-
tices Novae Hollandice. Folia opposita. Pedunculi axillares. Flores stepiûs purpurascen-
tes, DC. prodr.l. p.721.
B. serrulata, foliis trapeziformibus acutis anticè serrulatis glabris punctato-glandulosis,
pedunculis adgregatis terminalibus. DC. prodr. 1. §jjt 721.
Boronia serrulata. Smith linn• trans. 8. p. 284. Tracts, t. 5. Botan• regist. 842. Spreng•
syst. 2. p. 215. Lodd. bot• cab. i.997.
A dwarf bushy evergreen Shrub : branches smooth, rugged
where the leaves have fallen, erector slightly spreading. Leaves
distichous, trapeziform, or nearly elliptical, acute, slightly twist
ed, attenuated to the base, smooth, but dotted with numerous
small dots, glandularly serrulate on the margins. Petioles very
short, setting close to the stem, reddish. Flowers terminal,
crowded, from 4 to 1 2 , of a bright rose colour, very fragrant. Bractes at the base of the peduncles, lanceolate, acute, of a
membranaceous texture. Calyx 4-cleft, persistent, the laciniae
lanceolate, acute, with membranaceous margins, spreading. Petals
4 , ovate, acute, slightly mucronate at the points, about half
an inch in length, persistent. Stamens 8 , inserted in the receptacle,
all bearing anthers, every other one longest, opposite to
the sepal, and bearing the largest anther, which contains the
greatest quantity of pollen, but the whole are fertile; filaments
glandularly hairy, erect, the points curved inwards, terminated
in a broad tufted head beyond the anthers, which are two-lobed,