Oblate-flowered Lechenaultia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. GOODENOVIA2. Brown prodr. 1. p. 573.
Tribus I. Semina Indefinita.
LECHENAULTIA. Supra fol. 26.
Sect. I. Fruticuli ericifolii. Flores axillares v. terminales. Capsula valvata. Semina
L. oblata, floribus axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis ebracteatis subnutantibus, co-
rollisbilabiatis extus hirsuto-pubescentibus : labio superiore biloba: inferiore tripartita
; laciniis oblatis, filamentis tomentoso-pubescentibus.
Lechenaultia oblata. Supra fol. 26.
Lechenaultia formosa. Sims Botan. magaz. 2600. excl. synonym.
A pretty little suffrutescent Heath-like bush, much branched
: branches slender, erect or more or less spreading, scarcely
pubescent, glossy, tinged with purple. Leaves numerous, scattered,
spreading, the points more or less reflexed, sessile, very
succulent, convex on both sides, blunt, slightly tapering to the
base, glaucous, slightly pubescent when young. Bractes none. Flowers solitary, axillary and terminal, yellow or orange-coloured,
sometimes tinged with scarlet, at first erect, afterwards
becoming a little nodding. Calyx of 5 sepals, the sepals succulent,
straight, spreading, smooth, lanceolately linear, acute,
sharply keeled at the back, purple at the base. Corolla tubular,
two-lipped ; tube split longitudinally at the back, but united at
the point, copper-coloured, thickly clothed with a short hairy
pubescence, which is at first pressed close to the tube, but afterwards
becomes spreading, densely bearded inside at the base; upper lip concave inwards, terminated with a sharp mucrone
at the point, two-lobed, the lobes occasioned by the broad
wing: lower lip three-parted, the laciniae broadly winged,
broader than long, obcordate; the points within the hollow,
and mucronate ; the wings sometimes toothed with one or twa
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