GREVILLEA rosmarimfolia.
Rosemary-leaved Grevillea.
Linnean Citas and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEÆ. Brown Linn. trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. Fructus dehiscens.—A. UNILOCULARIS.
SGeRctE. VILLEA. Supra fol. 7. I. L issostylis. Folia omnia integerrïma (in plerisque marginibus refractis
». replicatis pseudo-3-nervia). Flores fasciculati ». in racemo abbreviato. Stylus glaber.
Folliculus ecostatus. Brown prodr. p. 376.
G. rosmarimfolia, foliis linearibus acutis mucronatis marginibus refractis : supra sca-
briusculis : subtus ramulisque sericeis, periantbiis extùs glabris : intùs supra basin
dense barbatis, stylis utrinque glaberrimis pedicello triplo longioribus.
Grevillea rosmarimfolia. Cunn. in app. to B. Field’s geog. mem. on New South Wales,
Ifc. p. 328. Swt. hort. brit. p. 348.
An upright, bushy, evergreen Shrub; branches cylindrical,
clothed with a white silky down. Leaves numerous, crowded,
straight, linear or lanceolately linear, acute, and tipped with a
sharp brown mucro, margin rolled backwards and very rough,
appearing as if minutely denticulate; upper side of a darkish
sreen very rough, being covered all over with innumerable very
small’ tubercles; underneath densely clothed with white silky
hairs. Flowers in terminal racemes, blush-coloured or pale red,
but reddest before expansion, and the colour finest when most
exposed to the air. Racemes variable in length and m the number
of their flowers, straight, sometimes branched. Peduncles
angular, smooth. Bractes short, acute, a little succulent. Pedicles
generally 2 from each bracte, but sometimes only one,
smooth and glossy, blush-coloured. Penanthium 4-parted,
revolute at the points, spathulate, concave inwards, the two
front ones more than double the size of the others, smooth and
glossy on the outside; inside slightly sericeous and densely
bearded with a tuft of long white hairs a little above the base. Stamens 4 inserted in the hollow points of the lacmise of the
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