GREVILLEA mucronuiata
Mucrronulate Grevillea.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROÏEACEÆ. Brown Linn, trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. F ructus dehiscens.—A. UNILOCULARIS.
GREVILLEA.Sect. III. P Supra fol. 7. / tychocarpa. Folia omniaintegerrima. Flores fasciculativ. in racemo
abbreviato, fioribus superioribus pracocioribus / Ovarium subsessile. Stylus hirsutus v. to.
mentosus. I olliculus costatus ! Brown prodr. 378.
G. mucronuiata, foliis obovatis obtusis mucronulatis supra scabris nitentibus subtus
parum sericeis, racemis abbreviatis, pistillis hirsutis, perianthiis pube appressa
conspersis. Brown l. c. p. 378. Grevillea mucronuiata. Linn, trans. 10. p. 173. Ram. et Schult. syst.3. p. 413. Spreng.
syst. 1. p. 476. Swt. hort. brit. p. 349.
Grevillea podalyriaefolia. Salisb. in Knight’s Prot. p. 117.
A small compact, densely bushy, evergreen Shrub: branches
short, crowded, spreading, clothed with a short brown pubescence.
• Leaves numerous, crowded, nearly spreading horizontally,
rigid, roundly obovate, obtuse, with a short stiff mucro at the
end, the upper side rough and glossy on the old leaves, underneath
thinly clothed with procumbent silky hairs: young leaves
narrower, more pointed, and the upper side thickly clothed with
fascicles of hairs, which are seated on small tubercles, that occasions
the roughness when the hairs wear off, when very young
of a purple colour. Petioles very short and stiff, pubescent. Racemes short, terminal, 6 to 1 2 -flowered, the point slightly
recurved, the peduncle smooth and glossy, or but very slightly
pubescent. Flowers of a greenish white, with green points, and
a purple style, generally in pairs, and ascending, all facing upwards.
Pedicles clothed with stellate fascicles of short stiff hairs. Perianthium clothed with close pressed hairs, some of which
are in fascicles, and are slightly spreading: split on the front
side for the exclusion of the style, the points rolled backwards,
tube bearded inside; the two upper latinise longest; at first all