GRE VILLE A concinna.
Pretty Grevillea.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEÆ. Brown Linn. trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. F ructus d eh isc en s.—A. UNILOCULARIS.
GREVILLEA. Perianthium irreguläre; foliolis lacinüsve secundis : apicibus caris
staminiferis. Antheroe immersæ. Glandula hypogyna unica, dimidiata. Ovarium di-
spermum. Stigma obliquum, dcpressum, (rarô subverticale, conicum). Folliculus unilo-
cularis, dispermis, loculo central!. Semina marginata, v. apice brevissimè alata.—
Frutices rariûs Arbores, pilis dum adsint medio affixis! Folia alterna, indivisa v. pinna-
tifida. Spicæ nunc elongatæ racemosoe, nunc abbreviates corymbosoe v. fasciculi/ormes ; itwo-
lucro nullo; pedicellis geminatis, raro pluribus, paribus fasciculisve unibracteatis. Perian-
thia soepissimè rubicunda nunc flava, in quibusdam obliqué inserta. Folliculi coriacei ovati,
stylo toto coronati ; seminibus ovalibus, angustissimè marginatis et apice Brown prodr. 1. p. 375. brevissimè alatis.
Sect. II. E r io c a r fa . Folia pinnatifida aut indivisa. Racemus recurvis secundis
multifloris. S tylus glaber. Folliculus lanatus.
G. concinna, foliis pinnatifidis v. trifidis indivisisque rigidis supra glabris subtus serieels
margine revolutis, racemis pedunculatis recurvis secundis multifloris, peri-
anthiis sericeis, stylis glabris longissimis, ovariis lanatis.
Grevillea concinna. Brown Linn. trans. 10. p. 172. Prodr. p. 377. Roem. et Schult, syst. 3.
p. 412. Spreng, syst. 1. p. 476. Swt. hort. brit. p. 490.
A handsome erect bushy evergreen Shrub: branches erect,
densely clothed with a close pressed silky pubescence, which
gives them a silvery appearance. Leaves rigid, erect, very variable,
some pinnatifid, others more or less 2 or 3-cleft, or 2 or
3-forked, others simple and entire, the margins revolute, green,
and glossy on the upper side, with a few close pressed hairs,
and silky or silvery underneath, bluntish, but terminated by a
sharp rigid mucro: segments and simple leaves linear, attenuated
at the base. Petioles very short, swollen at the base. Racemes terminal, peduncled, recurved, many-flowered. Flowers in pairs, all facing upwards, with a bracte between the
two, crowded, clothed with a yellowish brown silky close pressed
pubescence. Peduncle clothed with a silvery silky pubescence. Bractes small, lanceolate, acute. Pedicles short, clothed with
a silvery close-pressed pubescence. Perianthium short, clothed