BANKSIA dryaïidroidés.
Dryandra-like Banksia.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANURIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEÂ’CEÆ. Brown Linn, trans. 10. p. 46.
BANKSIA.Sect X Sty luSsn ppie*rai afonlt;h i1o4 .l ong; ior, hi:n c unguibus ci.tids solutis arcuatim exsertus.
Stiemf laminis tardBs dehiseentibus inclusum. Amentum fioriferum cylindraceum, five-
tiferum folliculis transversispluribus. Bànksiæ Veræ. Brown prodr. p. 391.
B. drymdroides, foliis Hnearibus pin'natifidh : lobis isoscelo-triangularibus acutis mu-
cronulatis margine recurvis, spicis brevibus pedunculatis lateralibus, bracteis to-
mentosis, perianthii unguibus sericeis: laminis lanatis, stylo glaberrimo, stigmate
Bankcsalpai tdartyoà.hdroides. Baxter in Mackay Mss. cdtal. Swt. hort. brit. p. 850.
A handsome, stout, upright, evergreen Shrub : branches numerous,
spreading, or ascending, thickly clothed with short, close,
brown wool, and numerous short stiff hairs intermixed; when
young, ferruginous, or rust colour, but at length becoming paler. Leaves rigid, alternate, spreading, pinnatifid, linear, of a glossy
green on the upper side, but hairy w'hen young, becoming quite
smooth by age; underneath ferruginous on some leaves, on
others, of a greyish white: leaflets equally triangular, sharp-
pointed, and. ending in a short horny mucro, the margins recurved,
upper side of a glossy green, underneath densely clothed
with a close pressed white tomentum, which in some is ferruginous.
Rachis or midrib rigid, terminated in a blunt point,
thickly clothed with short wool, and entangled rusty brown hairs. Spikes of Flowers short, lateral, proceeding from the old shoots,
or the main stem, seated on leafless peduncles-that are clothed
with short rusty down. Bractes short, ovate, acute, densely
clothed with rusty brown woolly hairs. Ferianthtum 4-parted,
the unguis slender, and thickly clothed with short white silky
hairs, that are nearly close pressed, or but slightly spreading: