CORREA pulchelia.
Pretty Correa.
Limnean Class and Order. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. RUTACEjE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 709.
Tribus I. DIOSMEJE. Petala 3-5 a basi libera, seqnalia et corollam regularem
constituentia. Semina albuminosa. DC. I. c.
CORREA. Calyx 4-dentatus (v. 4-lobus) persistens. Petala 4 basi subconniventia
aut in tubum longè coalita. Stamina 8 subdisco hypogyno? 8-glanduloso inserta. Ovarium
8-sulcatum. Stylus 1 persistens. Capsula 4-cocca, loculis truncatis compressis.
Semina in loculis 2-3 nitida intüs adfixa, cotyledonibus ovalibus extüs convexis (Vent,
malm. 13.) Frutices, foliis oppositis integris pube squamosd, Hippophaes more, obtectis;
pedicellis 1 -floris. DC. prodr. 1. p. 719.
*Breviflorae, petalis plus minüs distinctie semi-pollicem longis.
C.pulchelia, foliis cordato-ovatis obtusis undulatis coriaceis stellato-pubescentibus adtil-
tis glabris, floribus solitariis pendulis, ealycibus truncatis edentulis, corolla tubu-
losa fauce dilatata.
Corrsea pulchelia. Mackay Mss. catal. Swt. hort. brit. p. 89.
A handsome growing erect bushy shrub: branches thickly
clothed with leaves, and covered with ferruginous scale-like
down. Leaves opposite, petiolate, broadly ovate, obtuse, sometimes
cordate at the base, and sometimes rounded, more or less
undulate, of a leathery texture, when young covered with fascicles
of hairs; more or less stellate, those wear off by age, and
the leaves become smooth. Petioles short and stout, clothed
with a brown scaly pubescence. Flowers solitary, pendulous, of
a bright salmon colour. Peduncles very slender, thickening upwards,
slightly pubescent. Calyx persistent, resembling the cup
of an acorn, truncate, scarcely 4-lobed, not toothed, and dotted
with numerous inconspicuous black dots. Corolla tubular, 4-cleft,
bluntly 4-angular, clothed with a rough pubescence: tube narrow
at the base, and gradually widening upwards: laciniae broadly
ovate, acute. Stamens 8, inserted in the receptacle, and exsert-
ed beyond the mouth of the corolla. Filaments smooth, flat, attenuated
upwards, and attached to the back of the anthers. Pollen
bright yellow. Ovarium 4-lobed, smooth, and glossy. Style
smooth, longer than the stamens. Stigma slightly 4-cleft.