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EPACRIS impressa.
Elegant Epacris.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. EP ACRIDEjE. Brown prodr. 1. p.535.
EPACRIS. Calyx coloratus, multibracteatus, bracteis texturS, calycis. Corolla tit-
bulosa, limbo imberbi. Stamina epipctala: antheris supra medium peltatis. Squamulw
5 hypogynae. Capsula placentis column® centrali adnatis.—Fruticuli ramosi, saipiils
glabri. Folia sparsa, petiolata v. basi simplici. Flores axillares, in spicatn foliatum scrpiils
digesti, albi v. purpurascentes. Brown prodr. 1. p. 650.
E. impressa, floribus nntantibus, foliis lanceolatis sessilibns acutissimis patulis mucro-
nato-pungentibus, peduncnlis calyce brevioribus, calycibus acutis margine ciliatis,
corollis cylindraceis calyce triplo longioribus.
Epacris impressa. Labill. nov. boll. 1. p. 43. f. 58. Brown prodr. p. 551. Rcem. et Schult.
syst. 4. p. 381. Spreng. syst. 1. p. 629. Swt. hort. brit. p. 266.
I An elegant upright slender branched bushy, shrub: branches
erect, thickly covered with evergreen leaves, and clothed with; a
short white dense pubescence. Leaves scattered, horizontally
spreading, sessile, lanceolate, taper-pointed, and terminated
with a sharp rigid mucrone, smooth and glossy, of a bright
glossy green, and flat on the upper side, underneath paler, and
slightly keeled. Flowers in a sort of spike, axillary, nodding,
of a bright rose colour. Peduncle slender, about half the
length of the calyx. Bractes several, surrounding the calyx,
ovate or broadly lanceolate, with a sharp rigid point, the margins
woolly or fringed: lower ones shortest and broadest. Calyx
5-parted: lacinice broadly lanceolate, keeled with short woolly
hairs. Corolla tubular, about three times the length of the
calyx: limb 5-cleft, the laciniae ovate, bluntish, spreading. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube a little below the mouth; filaments very short and slender, attached to the back of the
anthers a little above the middle: anthers linear; pollen white. Ovarium smooth, surrounded by 5 small green very blunt scales.
Style about the length of the tube, smooth, tapering upwards. Stigma capitate, slightly 5-lobed, viscous.