£3. 53
DRY ANDRA formosa.
Splendid Dryandra.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEÆ. Brown Linn. trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. F ructus d ehiscen s.—B. BILOCULARIS, dissepimento libero,
DRYANDRA. Supra fol. 3 et 22.
D. formosa, foliis elongato-linearibus pinna tifidis : lobis scaleno-triangularibus muticis
planis subtüs niveis, involucris tomentosis: bracteis interioribus liiiearboblongis,
receptaculo paleacep. Brownprodr. 397-398.
Dryandra formosa. Brown linn. trans. 10. p. 13. t. 3. Hort• Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p. 220.
Roem. et Schuit. syst. 3. p. 445. Spreng, syst. 1. p. 486.
A stout upright bushy evergreen Shrub, well clothed with
branches and leaves : branches densely clothed with a soft to-
mentura, and long soft hairs intermixed. Leaves numerous,
spreading, rigid, variable in length, from four to nine inches long,
pinnatifid, attenuated to the base, and ending in an acute point,
hairy, when young, but becoming smooth and glossy by age on
the upper side, underneath clothed with a close snowy white to-
mentum : lobes flat and flatly spreading, nearly as broad at the
base as long, unequally sided, triangular, acute but not mucronate,
two-nerved underneath, the margins slightly recurved towards
the point. Petioles nearly flat, a little convex on the lower side,
dilated at the base, woolly, also clothed and fringed with long
hairs. Flowers in terminal heads, of a rich orangy brown, very
handsome, and scented like ripe apricots. Involucre of numerous
bractes, outer ones terminated with a leafy point, becoming
broad and thickened towards the base, those next the flowers terminated
in a sphacelate recurved point, densely tomentose and
hairy: inner bractes linearly oblong, acute, also a little reflexed at
the points. Receptacle chaffy. Perianthium deeply 4-parted ;
the lacinim narrow, thickly clothed with long soft hairs : unguis