Obovate-leaved South-sea Myrtle.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Naturel Order. MYRTACEÆ, Kth. synops.'i. p. 410.
Subordo I. MYRTEÆ. Flores in foliorum axillis aut in pednnculis multifloris
oppositi. Folia plerumqiie opposita et punctata. Kth.l. c. p. 410.
LEPTOSPERMÜM. , Calyx basi persistens, 5-fidus, semisuperus. Petala 5, un-
guiçulata, orbiculata, staminibns (utplnrimam) longiora. Stigma capitatum. Capsula
globoso-depressiuscula, 4-5-loeularis. Semina angulosa, tenuia. Pers. syn. 2. p. 24.
L. obovatum, foliis obovatis emarginatis obscure 3-5-nerviis glabris, ramis alato-angn-
latis, calycibus glabris : dentibus membranaceis coloratis.
An upright bushy evergreen Shrub, clothed with a thin
brown bark, which scales off occasionally: branches erect or
spreading, rather slender, acutely angular or slightly winged,
tinged with red. Leaves short, sessile, broadly obovate, with a
slight notch at the point, attenuated towards the base, smooth
and glossy, punctate with numerous small dots, of a bright darkish
green on the upper side, underneath faintly 3 or 5 -nerved,
the nerves branched, margins a little roughish. Flowers white,
axillary, solitary, on short footstalks, altogether forming a sort
of raceme. Calyx smooth and glossy, punctated with numerous
small dots, flattish, hollowed inside, with 5 short spreading membranaceous
white roundly ovate laciniae, tube or lower part persistent,
the laciniae deciduous. Petals 5, roundly ovate, with a
short unguis, inserted in the calyx between the laciniae, spreading.
Stamens between 30 and 40, inserted in the calyx, shorter
than the petals: filaments smooth, white, the points curved inwards,
inserted in the back of the anthers. Ovarium smooth, 5-
locular. Style smooth, about the length of the Stamens. Stigma capitate, flattened.
Many of the flowers on the plant from which our drawing
was made were sterile, not producing even the rudiments of a