Yellow-flowered Anthocercis.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. SOLANEÆ. Calyx 5-divisus, (raro 4-divisus,) persisteus. Corolla
monopetala, hypogyna, limbo 5-fido, (raro 4-fido,) regulari v. parùm inæquali,
decidua ; æstivatione in veris plicatâ, in spnriis imbricatà. Stamina epipetala, tot qnot
laciniæ limbi, iisdemque alterna, unico nunc abortiente. Ovarium 1, 2-4-loculare, po-
lyspermum. Stylus 1. Stigma obtusum, raro lobatum. Pericarpium 2-4-loculare, v.
capsula, dissepimento parallelo et duplicato v. bacca placentis dissepimento adna-
tis. Semina numerosa, sessilia. Albumen carnosum. Embryo inclusus, plus minùs arcu-
atus, sæpè excentricus. Radiculà umbilicum spectante.—Herboe v. Frutices. Folia alterna,
indivisa v. lobata ; floraiia quandoque bina juxta posita. Inflorescentia varia,
sæpè extraalaris, pedicellis ebracteatis. Brown prodr. 1. p. 443-444.
Sect. II. Corolla non plicata, regularis. Stamina didynama. Embryo leviter ar-
cuatus. Pericarpium capsulare v. baccatum. Brown l.c. p. 448.
ANTHOCERCIS. Supra fol. 16.
A. littorea, foliis obovatis impunctatis inargine lævibus utrinque ramulisque glaberri-
mis, corollæ laciniis tubo longioribus, capsulà oblongâ calycem bis snperante.
AnthBorcoewrcni sp lriotdtorr. epa. .4 4L8a.bill. nov. holl. 2. p. 19. 1.158. Botan. regist. 212. Spreng. syst,
veg. 2. p. 841.
Stem suffruticose, erect, branched, from 1 to 2 feet high: branches smooth, furrowed from one leaf to the next, and terminated
in a panicle of flowers. Leaves obovate, scarcely acute,
smooth on both sides, slightly viscous, some entire, others more
or less toothed, attenuated at the base. Flowers yellow, striped
with purple on the inside. Bractes small, sharp-pointed, deciduous.
Pedicles slender, smooth, three times the length of the
bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, the lacinise subulate, about half the
length of the tube of the corolla. Corolla campanulate, tube
contracted at the base: limb equally 5-parted, the lacinise
spreading, linear, acute, with revolute margins, nearly double
the length of the tube. Stamens 4, inserted in the base of the
tube, two long and two short, with the rudiment of a fifth
between the two longest: filaments flat and fringed at the base,
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