ACACIA myrtifolia.
Myrtle-leaved Acacia.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo III. seu Ordinis. Tribus V III. MIMOSEÆ. DC. l.c. 2. p. 424.
ACACIA. Supra fol. 6.
Sect. I. Foliis deformatis, nempè : foliolis sæpiùs præsertim in plantâ adultà
abortivis, petiolis dilatatis filiformibus in Phyllodia nempè mutatis. P hyllodinéæ.
DC. l.c. 2. p.448.
§. 2. Capitato-racemosæ, Jloribus nempè in capitula globosa collectis, capitulis sccûs
pedunculum axillarem racemosis.—Stipulte omnium subnulUe aut inermes.
A, myrtifolia, phyllodiis oblongo-lanceolatis basi valde attenuatis uninerviis margine
antico uniglandulosis, capitulis paucifloris racemosis, floribus quadrifidis. DC.
prodr. 1. p. 452. n. 39.
Acacia myrtifolia. Willden. sp. pi. 4. p. 1054. Hort. Kew. ed. 3. p. 462. Swt. hort.
brit. p. 102. n. 37. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 135.
Mimosa myrtifolia. Smith nov. boll. 1.15. Curtis botan. mugaz. 302.
A handsome evergreen bushy Shrub, with slender smooth
branches : branches acutely angular or slightly winged, striate,
oftentimes pendulous when in bloom, with the weight of the
flowers. Leaves alternate, spreading, oblong, a little unequal
sided, attenuated to both ends, smooth on both sides, the margins
thickened, with a gland on the upper edge, at some distance from
the base, midrib prominent, from which branch slender veins. Petioles very short and thick, generally tinged with red. Flowers
in axillary racemes, straw-coloured, with yellower anthers,
generally fertile, but some few abortive. Racemes not so long
as the leaves. Peduncles angular. Pedicles angular, fleshy,
thickest near the base, transparent. Heads 3-flowered, or very
rarely 4 -flowered. Calyx short, slightly 4-lobed. Corolla of
4 petals, at first spreading, afterwards reflexed, oblong, bluntish. Stamens numerous: filaments smooth, very slender, straw-
coloured: anthers very small, yellow. Ovarium silky. Style
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