PULTENÆA flexilis.
Fragrant Pultenæa.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. DC. prodr.Z. p.93.
Subordo I. PAPILIONACEÆ.—Tribusï. So ph o r eæ . Suprafol.5.
PULTENÆA. Calyx 5-fidus, lobis subæqualibns in labia 2 dispositis, basi bi-
bracteolatus, bracteolis interdùm tnbo adnatis. Ovarium sessile dispermum. Stylus
subulatus adscendens. Stigma simplex. Strophiola seminis lobis posticis incisis.—Frn-
tices Australasici. Folia ximplicïa alterna. StipuIæ soepè concrètes, intrqfoliacete. Flores
Jlavi, seepiils in capitula terminalia congesti. DC. prodr.2. p. 110.
P. ƒ exilis, racemis terminalibus snbfoliosis, foliis obovato-linearibus mncronatis planis
glabrissuperne glancescentibns, calycibus extnsglabris basi bibracteatis : laciniis
ovatis acutis ciliatis, stipulis setaceis petiolo longioribns.
Pultenæa flexilis. Smith Linn. trans.9. p. 248. Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 19 ?
DC.prodr.Z.p. 111. Spreng. syst. 2,p.351.
A small bushy upright evergreen Shrub : branches slender,
spreading, thinly clothed with a close-pressed silky pubescence. Leaves flat, spreading, alternate, obovately linear, bluntish, terminated
with a short sharp mucro, attenuated to the base, upper
side slightly glaucous, and of a dull colour, underneath
pale green, 1 -nerved. Petioles short, slender at the base and
thickening upwards. Stipules setaceous, brown, longer than the
petioles. Flowers yellow, in a short raceme near the points of
the branches, very sweet-scented, the leaves that are intermixed
with them shorter and smaller than the others. Peduncles axillary,
slightly angular, smooth. Calyx 5-cleft, 2 -lipped, with 2 small bractes attached to it near the base, one on each side,
outside smooth; lacinise nearly equal, ovate, scarcely acute,
each one-nerved, and fringed round the margins. Vexillum
broad, rounded but slightly notched at the point, with a slender
unguis, yellow, with a faint red mark near the bottom. Wings
spathulate, with a longish ear at the base on one side, nearly
as long as the slender unguis. Keel blunt, about the length of
the wings, but shorter than the vexillum, producing two short