EUDESMIA tetragona.
Square-stemmed Eudesmia.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYADELPHIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. MYRTACEÆ. Kth. synops. 3. p. 410.
Subordo I. Myr teæ . Flores in foliorum axillis ant in pedunculis mnltifloris
oppositi. Folia plerumqne opposita et punctata. Kth. 1. c. p. 410.
EUDESMIA. Calyx superus, 4-angularis, 4-dentatus. Pet ala 4, decidua. Phalanges
staminum 4 polyandræ,cum dentibus calycis alternantes, basi connata. Capsula
4-locularis polysperma apice dehiscens.
E. tetragona, ramis tetragonis pulverulentis, foliis coriaceis oblongo-lanceolatis penni-
nerviis reticulato-venosis pulverulentis margine incrassatis, pedunculis axillari-
Eudebsums itae rtmetirnaagloibnuas. quBer oswnbnt riinf loFrliisn.d. voy v. 2. app. p. 599. t. 3. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 338.
Swt, hort» brit. add• p. 486.
A handsome upright evergreen shrub, not much branched .
branches 4 -sided, thickly clothed with a white powder; when
rubbed off, they are smooth and glossy underneath, and more or
lseastse ,t ionbgleodn gw iothr bpruorapdlley. laLnecaeovleast ep, etaicoulatete, , rooupnpdoesidt e aat ntdh ed ebcauses,
flat, or when young slightly undulate, smooth, but covered with
a thin white powder, which gives them a beautiful bluish white
appearance, pennately and numerously nerved with transverse
nerves and reticulately veined, margins thick, and of a horny
substance, tinged with red, as are the veins when young, and
also the young leaves. Petioles flat on the upper side, and
slightly 2 -keeled underneath, the two keels extending down the
stem, and forming two wings. Peduncles axillary and terminal,
generally 3 -flowered, strongly and sharply 2 -angled, with two
other very slight ones. Pedicles slightly 4-angled, and a little
blistered or warted. Flowers slightly aromatic. Calyx tubular,
4 -angular, the angles terminated in four very short teeth. Petals
4 , imbricate at the edges before expansion, and enclosing
the stamens, rounded, concave, pale flesh-coloured, generally