Handsome Lechenaultia.
IÀnnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. GOODENOVIÆ. Brown prodr. 573.
Tribus LECHEI.N ASUemLiTnaI AIn. defCinaitlayx. superus. Corolla tubo hinc long.itud.ina.lite.r hsso.
Antheroe sub anthesi cohærentes. Pollinis granula composita. Stigma obsoletum, in
fundo indusii bitabiati. Capsula prismatica, bilocularis, 4-valvis, valvis opposite medio
septiferis. Semina cubica v. cylindracea, nucamentacea.—Fruticuli (rarô Herbæ,)
glabri, foliis angustis, integerrimis. Flores axillares v. terminales, subsolitarii. Brown
prodr. p. 581. Sect. I. Fruticuli ericifolii. Flores axillares v. terminales. Capsula valvata. be-
mina cubica.
L. formosa,* floribus axillaribus solitariis ebracteatis nutantibus, corollis bilabiatis un-
dique glabris: labio superiora rotundato integro: inferiora tripartita; laciniis
Lechceunnaeualttiisa, ffoilrammoesnat. isB grloawbnri sp.rodr. p.581. Room, et Schult. syst. 5.p. 34. Sprang, syst.
' 1. p. 719. Botan. regist. 916. non Bot. mag.
A bushy little Heath-like suffrutescent plant, thickly clothed
with small evergreen leaves : branches slender, erect or slightly
spreading, of a purplish tinge, pubescent when young, but becoming
at length smooth. Leaves numerous, scattered, succulent,
narrowly linear, blunt, slightly pubescent when old, which
gives them a glaucous appearance; when young densely pubescent,
slightly recurved. Flowers axillary, solitary, of a bright
scarlet, tinged with orange, nodding, without bractes. Calyx
5-parted, the laciniee narrow, acute, sharply keeled, succulent,
smooth, straight, spreading. Corolla tubular, 2-lipped, smooth
and glossy j tube split longitudinally at the back, but joined near
the point,"about the length of the lobes of the lower lip, densely
bearded on the inside at the base : upper lip concave, rounded
at the point, mucronate, slightly winged : lower lip three-parted,
the laciniee winged, longer than broad, wedge shaped, narrowing
to the base, the points hollow, mucronate, and the wings
* L. oblata, floribus axillaribus solitariis ebracteatis subnutantibus, coroliis bilabiatis
extus hirsuto-pubescentibus: labio superiora biloba: inferiora tripartita; la-
ciniisL oebclhaetinsa, ufilltaiam feonrtmiso vsiall. osiSsi.ms Botan. nuigaz. 2600. excl. synonym. H 2