BORONIA alata.
Winged-leaved Boronia.
Linnean Class and Order. OCTANDRIA (raro TETRANDIA) MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. RUTACEJE. DC.prodr., 1. p. 700.
Tribus I. Diosmeje. Petala 3-5 äbasilibera, aequalia et corollam regulärem
constituentia. Seraina albuminosa.
BORONIA. Supra fol. 19.
B. alata, foliis impari-pinnatis 3-5-jugis; rachi nervisque subtuspilosis: foliolis ellipti-
cis crenatis margine revolutis, pedunculis dichotomis subtrifloris, bracteis fimbri-
Boronia alata. Smith Linn, trans. 8. p. 283. DC. prodr. 1. p. 721. Spreng. syst. 2,
p. 215. Suit. hort. brit. add. p. 471.
A handsome strong-growing upright evergreen Shrub, or
small Tree, much branched : branches opposite, crossing each
other, or decussate, quadrangular, smooth, or hairy when young,
glossy, and more or less tinged with purple. Leaves scented like
ripe fruit, opposite, pinnate, and terminated by an odd leaflet, the
rachis winged : leaflets three to five pair, sessile, the lower pair
petiolate and ternate on the largest leaves, elliptic or elliptically
lanceolate, scarcely acute, slightly notched at the margins, which
are a little revolute, thickly covered with small glandular dots,
which occasions a roughness, of a dark glossy green, and smooth
on the upper side and paler underneath; the rachis and nerves
of the leaflets more or less hairy, also the young part of the
branches. Petioles winged, furrowed on the upper side, more
or less hairy. Flowers red, tipped with green. Peduncles in
the axils of the leaves, forked, more or less tinged with purple. Bractes at the base of the pedicles small, succulent, blunt,
broadest at the base, more or less fimbriate. Pedicles slender,
purplish, thickening a little towards the calyx. Calyx 4 -cleft,
persistent, the segments short, spreading, rather succulent,
broad ish at the base, tapering to a blunt subulate point. Corolla
of four petals, also persistent. Petals broadly lanceolate, tgper