ACACIA lunata.
Lunate-leaved Acacia.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA.
Natural Order. LEGXJMINOSÆ. DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo III. seu Ordinis.—Tribus V III. MIMOSEÆ. DC. 1. c. 2. p. 424.
ACACIA. Supra fol. 6.
Sect. I. Foliis deformatis, nempè : foliolis sæpiùs præsertim in plantà adultà
abortivis, petiolis dilatatis filiformibus in Phyllodia nempè mutatis. P hyllodineæ.
DC. I. c. 2. p. 448.
§. 2. Capitato-racemosæ, floribus nempè in capitula globosa collectis, capitulis secüs
pedunculum axillarem racemosis.—Stipulai omnium subnulUe aut inermes.
A. lunata, phyllodiis dimidiato-oblongis snbfalcatis basi angustati3 mucrone calloso
oblique terminais infrà medium ad latum eonvexins glandulâ minutâ instructis,
ramisque glabris, capitulorum racemis phyllodiolongioribus. DC. prodr. 2.p. 452-
Acac4i5a3 l.unata. Lodd. bot. cab. 384. Swt. hort. b rit. p. 101. Spreng. syst. veg.S. p. 135.
Sieb. pl. exs. non. holl. n. 461.
Acacia brevifolia. Lodd. bot. cab. 1235.
Stem shrubby, with long slender branches, scarcely strong
enough to support their weight when loaded with flowers :
branches slightly angular, smooth, punctate. Leaves glaucous,
varying on different plants, from half an inch to an inch in
length, more or less falcate, sometimes quite lunate, others very
slightly so, narrowing to the base, and broader towards the
point, one-nerved, terminating obliquely with a callous mucro,
on the upper edge near the base is a small brown gland, below
which it is fringed with short glandular hairs. Petioles short
and thick. Flowers golden yellow, almond-scented, fertile and
barren intermixed. Racemes longer than the leaves, each producing
several heads of flowers. Peduncles rigid, smooth, punctate.
Pedicles smooth, with a short brown bracte at the base
of each. Heads generally 4 or 5-flowered. Calyx shallowly
5-toothed. Petals 5, ovate, erect or slightly spreading. Stamens
numerous: filaments and anthers bright yellow. Ova-
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