DAY ALLIA gibberosa.
Gibbous Hares-foot Fern.
Linnean Class and Order, CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES.
Natural Order, FILICES. Brown prodr, 1. p. 145.
Subordo I. GYRATJE (Polypodiaceae.) Capsulw uniloculares, annulo articulato,
elastico, longitudinal*!, (plerumque incompleto) instructs ; transversim irregulariter
rumpDenAtVesA. LLIA. Sori subrotundi (v. in lineolfc verticali) margini plerumque approximate
Involucrum superficiarium, ex apice venae unicae ortum, lateribus v. lat&
basi adnatum, exterius et verticaliter liberum. Brown prodr, p, 150.
D. gibberosa, caudice decumbente nodoso, frondibus tripinnatis laxis, pinnis oblongis
pinnatifido-incisis, laciniis linearibus obtusis, gibbis margine interiore fructiferi,
involucris insertis cuneatis apice subtruncato.
Davallia gibberosa. Swartz gen, et spec,jil, p. 88. Spreng, syst, 4. p, 119?
Trichomanes gibberosum. Forst, prodr, flor. ins, aust, p, 85.
Comdex about the thickness of a large finger, branched from
the base in all directions, creeping or procumbent, frequently
knotted, thinly, clothed with long, narrow, taper-pointed chaff,
which is of a lighter colour and much less crowded than in
D. canariensis; it is also of much more free growth, and
stronger altogether: the young shoots or knots at first conical,
and producing the fronds. Stem of the frond densely clothed
with scaly chaff at the base, the upper part smooth and glossy,
more or less tinged or irregularly marked with purple, deeply
channelled at the front and rounded at the back, a little twisted
at the base, the upper part much branched, three times pinnate,
loosely spreading; the leaflets pinnatifid or more or less deeply
divided, smooth and glossy: segments oblongly linear, obtuse,
generally entire, but some of the sterile ones are notched at the
point, the fertile ones all entire, and raised into assort of swelling
opposite to the spots of fructification. Sori or tufts of
flowers inserted near the points of the segments on the under
side. Involucre thin, or membranaceous, wedge-shaped, truncate
at the point, where it opens for the expansion of the flowers