Crowded panicled Charlwoodia.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ASPHODELE/E. Perianthium sexpartitum v. sexfidum, petaloi-
deum, reguläre. Stamina sex, perianthio inserta v. bypogyna: tria foliolis exteriori-
bas opposita quandoqiie dissimilia v. nulla. Ovarium liberum, 3-loculare, loculis polv-
spermis, raro dispermis. Stylus l. Stigma indivisum v. breviter 3-lobum. Pericarpium
in plerisqne Capsula 3-locularis, 3-valvis, valvis medio septiferis: nunc Dacca indivisa,
rariüsve tripartita. Semina testä aträ, crustaceä, fragili: Albumine carnoso: Embryone
incluCsoH. ABRroLw Wn OprOodDr.I 2A7.4 .Perianthium sexfidum, cylindrico-campanulatum, persistens:
laciniis 3 exteriorilms brevioribus, erectis: interioribus 3 alternis reflexis. Stamina 6,
basi laciniarum inserta. Filamenta subulata, glabra. Antheroe versatiles, basi bifidae.
Ovarium loculis polyspermis. Stylus 1, triquetrus. Stigma parvum, 3-lobum.—Caudex
fruticosus. Folia elongata, nervoso-striata. Panicnla lateralis, e spicis alternis multijlaris.
Flores tribracteati. Pedicelli solitarii v. bini, cum perianthio articulati.
C. congesta, foliis amplexicaulibus elongato-lanceolatis nervoso-striatis eroso-serrulatis
apice acuminatis, floribus paniculatis congestis, pedicellis inferioribus bifloris superior!
bus unifloris, bracteis exterioribus acutis: interioribus subbrevioribus pe-
dicellnm submquantibus.
Dracaena congesta. Swt. hort. brit. p. 424.
Stem, erect, fruticose, in our specimens about 1 2 feet high,
without any branches, scarred at the base with the marks of
fallen leaves, clothed with brown bark. Leaves from 1 to 2 feet
in length, rather crowded, at first erect, afterwards horizontal or
more or less bent downwards with their weight, lanceolate,
broadest in the middle, and tapering to both ends, clasping the
stem, and ending with a sharp mucro at the point, striated with
numerous longitudinal lines, smooth, and of a dark green on the
upper side, and lighter underneath: margins erosely serrulate,
with small cartilaginous teeth. Panicle lateral, near the top,
crowded with numerous alternate branches, sometimes 2 or 3
from the same joint, the stems angular, and surrounded at the
base with a brown membranaceous taper-pointed bracte; rd-
cemes spreading, bluntly angular, furrowed, and thickly crowded
with flowers, those near the base in pairs, the upper ones solitary.
Pedicles short, jointed about the centre; below the joint
are three small brown membranaceous bractes, which are about
the length of, or scarcely longer than the pedicle : outer bracte
rather longest, narrowest and acute, inner ones broader and con-
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