HAKEA linearis.
Lineür-leaved Hakea.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEÆ. Brown Linn, trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. F ructus dehiscens.—A. UNILOCULARIS.
HAKEA. Supra fol. 27.
Sect. III. Folia omnia plana.—A. Folia aliqua v. omnia dentata v. incisa.
H. linearis, foliis lanceolato-linearibus spinuloso-pauei-dentatis integerrimisque ave-
niis impunctatis, ramis pedunculoque communi glabris, fasciculis terminalibus
axillaribusque, capsulis bicalcaratis compressiusculis. Brown. Linn, trans. 10.
p. 183. Prodr. 1. p. 384.
Hakea linearis. Rcem. et Schult, syst. 3. p. 423. Spreng, syst. 1. p. 479. Swt. hört. brit.
p. 349.
A handsome bushy evergreen Shrub : branches rather slender,
smooth and glossy, tinged with purple, nodding a little
towards the points. Leaves sessile, alternate, lanceolately linear,
flat, smooth, not punctate, terminated with a sharp spine, some
quite entire, but the greater part toothed on each side with a
few distant red spiny teeth, of a bright green colour, sometimes
slightly glaucous, red at the base. Flowers white, slightly scented
like Hawthorn, in many flowered fascicles, both axillary and
terminal, at the base of which are some deciduous, ovate, concave,
blunt bractes, that are generally dropped off, before the
expansion of the flowers. Peduncles smooth. Pedicles in pairs,
smooth and glossy, white. Perianthium of four nearly equal
leaflets, the two lower ones rather longest, spathulate, with hollow
points, which are reflexed. Stamens 4, inserted in the
hollow points of the perianthium. Ovarium smooth and glossy. Style smooth, white, reflexed at the point. Stigma a little oblique,
dilated at the base, the point convex, enclosed in the
hollow points of the perianthium before expansion.
Our drawing of this pretty Shrub, was made in September
last, at the Nursery of Mr. Mackay at Clapton, where it flow