Climbing Biliardiera.
Lirnean Class and Order. PENTANDRXA Natural Order. PITTOSPORE PENTAGYNIA. jE. Brown gen. rem. ter. aust. p. 10.
BILLARDIERA. Calyx 5-sepalus, sepalis acuminatis. Petala 5 ungu,bu3mar-
.ine subcouvolutis approximatis. Bacca ellipsoidea, stylo iermmata.-Suffru 'es ^ -
m s scandentes, australasici ; pedicellis axillaribus 1-2-flons; fructibus edukbus. DC.
prodr. 1. p. 345.
B scandens, ramis scandentibus junioribus villosis, folüs Uneari-oblongis integns un'
dulatis, pedicellis unifloris villosis flore brevioribus, baccis velutims. DC. prodr.
Billardfe'r^candens. Smith new holl. 1. f. 1. Willden. & l.p.1150. HoH.Kew.ed. 2.
„ 2 p. 39. Botan. magaz. 801. Spreng, syst. 1. p. 792.
Labillardiera scaudens. Rcem. et Schult, syst. 5. p. 330.
A small slightly climbing evergreen Shrub : branches slender,
tinted with red, and thickly clothed with villous spreading hairs. Leaves alternate, variable, oblong, lanceolate, or oblongly linear,
acute very much undulate at the edges, hairy on both sides. Holes short, hairy, more or less reddish. Flowers solitary, or
sometimes in pairs, terminal, pendulous, straw-coloured Pedi-
rles short hairy. Bractes narrowly linear, taper-pomted, hairy,
S I . Clly* of 5 sepals, that are lanceolate, taper-pomted
erect thickly clothed with villous hairs. Petals 5, oblong, acute,
reflexed at the points. Stamens 5, distinct inserted on the receptacle,
and alternate with the petals ; anthers blue, or purple.
£ m ! densely clothed with soft woolly down, terminated by Z lrh simnle stvle. Berry about the size of a hazel-nut, obtuse
at both ends, densely tomentose, full of fleshy pulp, and con-
The present plant forms a small climbing
for a Conservatory, or Greenhouse, where
p 2
shrub, well adapted
it is not wanted to