STYPHELIA viridiflorä.
Green-flowered Styphelia.
Linnean Class and Order, PENTANDRIA MONO GYN IA.
Natural Order, EPACRIDEA2. Brown, prodr. 1. p.537.
Subordo I. STYPH ELIA. Ovarii loculi monospcrmi. Pericarpium clausum,
rarfi capsulare (?)
STYPHELIA. Calyx bracteis 4 pluribusve. Corolla elongato-tubulosa; tubo
intus juxta basin fasciculis 5 villorum: limbo laciniis revolutis, barbatis. Filamen'ta
exserta. Ovarium 5-loculare. Drupa subexsncca, putamine osseo, solido.—Friitices
erecti v, adscendentes, ramosi, glabriusculi. Folia sparsa, brevissimi petiolata, mucronata.
Flores axillares, nutantes v. divaricati, speciosi, pedunculis unifloris, rard 2-3-floris.
Squamulm hypogynse 5, distinctce, rard connatce. Brown prödr. p. 53?.
S. viridiflorä, foliis oboväto-oblongis obtusis mncronulatis planis supiä Isevibus mar"
gine parüm scabris floribusque divaricatis. Brown l. c. p. 537. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
t). 1. p. 322.
Styphelia viridis. Andr. reposit. 312. Riem, et Schult, syst. 4. p. 468. Spreng, syst,
veg. 1. p. 655.
A small upright evergreen branching Shrub: branches slightly
pubescent. Leaves numerous, alternate, sessile, divaricately
spreading, oblong or obovately oblong, bluntish, but tipped with
a sharp mucro, flat, or the margins very slightly reflexed, of a
smooth green on the upper side, and paler underneath, lined
with numerous slender faint lines, the margins a little roughish. Flowers axillary, solitary, spreading, or more or less pendulous,
green. Peduncles short and slender, clothed with short scalelike
blunt bractes. Bractes 4, surrounding the calyx; the two
lower ones short and broad, one of them bluntly rounded, the
other acute with two notches near the point, one on each side;
two upper ones longer, bluntly rounded. Calyx deeply 5-parted,
the lacinias lanceolate, acute, concave, pubescent at the points. Corolla tubular, 5-cleft, tube more than twice the length of the
calyx, of a glossy light green on the outside, the inside clothed
with woolly hairs, and a little above the base is 5 tufts of shaggy
down, below which it is smooth: laciniae revolute or rolled backo