HOVEA purpurea.
Purple-flowered Hovea.
Limean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. IÆGUMINOSÆ. DC. prodr.2. p. 93.
Subordo I. PAPILIONACEÆ.—Tribus XI. L o teæ . DC. l.c. p. 115.
Subtribus I. G en ist eæ . Legumen uniloculare. Stamina smpissime monadelplia.
Folia simpUcia ant palmatim trifoliata rariùs pinnata. Caules sæpissime fruticosi.
HOVEA. Calyx bilabiatns, labio superiore semibifido lato retuso, interiore r-
partito. Canna obtusa. Stamina omnia connexa aut decimo supernè plus minus libero.
Legumen sessile, subrotundum, ventricosum, dispermum. Semina strophiolata.-F rntt-
ces Australasici. Folia alterna, simplicia. Flores axillares, purpurei aut molacei, brevi
pediculati. DC. prodr. 2. p. 115.
H. purpurea, ramis erectis ferrugineo-tomentosis, foliis oblongo-linearibus obtusis mu-
cronulatis margine revolutis supra glabris reticulato-venosrs subtus tomentosis,
stipulis subulatis minimis, pedunculis axillaribus geminis, bracteis duobus calyci
proximis tertia remotis, calyce ferrugineo-tomentoso.
A dwarf branching erect shrub; branches clothed with a
ferruginous pubescence, which wears off by age. Leaves alternate
°rigid, smooth, channelled, and reticulately veined on the
upper side, underneath clothed with a dense wool, which is
more or less ferruginous, particularly on the midrib, obtuse, but
terminated by a short rigid mucro, margins slightly rolled back :
lower leaves on Petiole young plants elliptic or oboyate: upper ones
pules oblongly minute, linear. Flowers short and stout, densely pubescent, sti
subulate. in pairs in the axils of the leaves,
of a bright purple. Peduncles clothed with a ferruginous pubescence
Bractes 3, oblong, obtuse, concave, ferruginous, 2 of
them close to the calyx, the other about half way down the peduncle.
Calyx 2-lipped, clothed with a dense ferruginous pubescence:
upper lip broadly wedge-shaped, emargmate: lower
one three-cleft: laciniae ovately lanceolate, acute, slightly spreading.
Vexillum broader than long, emarginate, with rather a
slender unguis, very much lined, the lines forked at the points,
bright purple, with a white eye at the base. Alee or wings spa-