KENNEDYA coccinea.
Many-flowered Scarlet Kennedya.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOS7E. DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo I. PAPILIONACEM.—Tribus V. P haseole;je. Corolla papilionacea.
Stamina raonadelpha aut saepius diadelpha (9 et 1). Legumen polysperinum dehiscens
continuum membranis cellulosis transversls inter semina sitis saepe subdivisum non
vere articulatum. Radicula super Ioborum commissuram inflexa. Cotyledones crasste
per germinationem iramutatac aut in folia crassa vix storaatibus donata converse, extra
terram et saepius extra spermodermium exsertae. Folia primordialia opposita!
omnium foliola numero imparia saepius pinnatim, rarins palmatim disposita. DC.
prodr. 2. p. 381*
KENNEDYA. Calyx bilabiatus, labio superiore bidentato, inferiore trifido
eequali. Corolla papilionacea, vexillo recurvo a caring non reflexo. Stamina diadelpha.
Stigma obtusum. Legumen lineare compressum isthmis cellulosis transverse
multiloculare. Semina strophiolata.—Frutices Nova Hollandia volubiles. Pedunculi
axillares. Flores rubri aut violacei, vexillo basi bimaculato. DC. 1. c, p. 383.
§. 2. Foliis trifoliolatis, carina vexillo et alis breviore.
K. coccinea, foliolis 3 obovatis, stipulis lanceolatis patulis, pedunculis flores 3-10 urn-
bellato-capitatos apice gerentibus, leguminibus glabriusculis. DC. prodr.2. p. 383.
Kennedia coccinea. Vent. malm. 1.105. excl. synonym. Pers. syn. 2. p. 302. Hort.Kew.
ed. 2. v. 4. p.299. Bo tan. magaz. 2604. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 310.
Stem, frutescent, climbing: branches slender, densely clothed
with blackish hairs, that are more or less spreading. Leaves
ternate: leaflets obovate, the points more or less wedge-shaped,
with a short mucro, the young one clothed on both sides with
short procumbent hairs; nerves and veins thickly clothed with
hairs. Petioles slender, hairy: partial ones thick and fleshy
below the leaflet. Stipules ovate or broadly lanceolate, densely
clothed with dark hairs. Umbels 3 to 1 0 -flowered. Peduncles
slender, with two stipule like bractes at the base, thickly clothed
with close-pressed dark hairs, longer than the leaf. Pedicles
about the length of the calyx, thickly clothed with short dark
hairs. Calyx 2 -lipped, thickly clothed with short black hairs:
upper lip with two subulate teeth: lower lip 3-cleft, the laciniae