ACACIA ornithophora.
Bird-leaved Acacia.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo III. sen Ordinis. Tribus V III. MIMOSEÆ. DC. 1. c.2. p. 424.
ACACIA. Supra fol. 6.
Sect.I. Foliis deformatis, nempè: foliolis sæpiùs præsertim in plantà adultâ
abortivis, petiolis dilatatis filiformibus in Phyllodio nempè mutatis.DC. 1* c. 2. p. 448. P hyllodineæ.
solita|sr iias-. Capitatæ, floribus nempè in capitulâ globosâ collectie, capitulis in pedunculo
A. ornithophora, stipulis spinescentibus persistemibus phyllodiis parum brevioribus
phyllodiis dimidiato-lanceolato-oblongis uninerviis pilosiusculis apice rostrato-
mucronatis margine superiore dente minimo uniglandulifero, ramis hirsutis, capitulis
pedunculatis solitariis geminisve numerosis.
An upright evergreen shrub; branches thickly clothed with
rigid spreading hairs. Leaves dark green, alternate, sessile,
oblongly lanceolate, unequal-sided, narrow at the base, then becoming
suddenly broad, afterwards becoming narrower gradually,
thinly clothed with hairs, 1-nerved, on the upper side is a very
small gland a little above the base; the point terminated by a
short rigid mucro, which turns round like a bird’s bill; and the
leaf altogether when viewed in a proper position, has much the
appearance of a small bird. Stipules of long rigid sharp persistent
spines, resembling needles, about the length of or nearly
as long as the leaves. Flowers of a bright golden yellow, sweet-
scented. Peduncles smooth, nearly as long as the stipules. Heads numerous, globular, the flowers crowded. Calyx pubescent,
5-toothed, the teeth blunt. Corolla of 5 petals, connected
at the base. Stamens numerous. Ovarium smooth. Style
Ssmteoroilteh ,f lolowngeerrs tohnalny pthreo dsutacminegn sst.a a simple blunt point.
The present species is nearly related to A. paradoxa of
Decandolle, and also to A. armata, and is nearly intermediate