PULTENiEA polygalifolia.
Milkwort-leaved Pultencea.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOS/E. DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo I. PAP1LIONACE/E.—Tribus I. Sophor.e . Suprafol. 5.
PULTENMA. Suprafol. 35.
P. polygalifolia, floribns axillaribtis terminalibusque, foliis lineari-oblongis obtusis rau-
cronulatis supra concavis glabris subtus calycibusque pilosiusculis, stipulis Ian-
ceolato-snbulatis appressis, ramis ramulisqne ferrugineo-villosis, bracteis subu-
Pultelantsiesa c paolylycgea blirfeovliiao.r iRbuusd.g. linn, trans. 11. p. 303. t. 25. DC. prodr. 2. p. 111. Spreng.
syst. 2. p. 351. Swt. hort. brit. p. 108.
Stem shrubby, erect, very much branched, of a brown rusty
colour: branches slender, spreading, producing numerous other
small branches, scarcely strong enough to support their own
weight, which occasions them to be a little pendulous when in
bloom, thickly clothed with short woolly brown hairs, which
gives them a rusty appearance. Leaves alternate, scattered,
spreading, linearly oblong, obtuse with a very short mucro, attenuated
towards the base, concave and smooth on the upper
side, underneath slightly hairy. Petioles short, pubescent. Stipules
a little longer than the petioles, lanceolately subulate,
pressed close to the stem. Flowers axillary, rarely terminal,
bright yellow. Pedicles short and slender, pubescent. Calyx
5-deft, two-lipped, clothed with a short pubescence and a few
long hairs intermixed, a little above the base are two sharp subulate
bractes, which are shorter than the calyx: laciniae ciliate,
those of the upper lip broadest and shortest, ovate, acute j
lower ones lanceolate, broad at the base, and taper-pointed. Vexillum rounded, slightly emarginate, marked with a pale red
circle near the base, longer than the wings. Ales or icings spa-
thulate, rounded at the points, and producing a long ear on
one side near the base, which curves inward towards the slen-