thulate, concave, with a long blunt ear at the base, more than
half the length of the slender unguis. Keel nearly as long as the
wings, sharp, arid flat towards the point, where it is very dark purple,
but lighter below, also with two long ears at the base nearly
half the length of the slender unguis. Stamens 10, all connected
into a tube, the points distinct and ascending, upper one divided
lower down than the others. Ovarium inflated, densely
pubescent, as is the lower part of the Style, the upper part
smooth. Stigma slightly capitate.
Our drawing of this beautiful new species was taken in May
last, at the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley, Braroes, and Milne, at
Fulham, where it was raised from seed, sent by Mr. Charles Frazer,
from New South Wales; and we have seen fine flowering
specimens of it in Mr. Lambert’s Herbarium, that were also sent
by Mr. Frazer. It is the finest species of the genus that we have
yet seen, excepting H. Celsi, and differs from all others that we
are acquainted with in bearing purple flowers. It is also of free
growth, and appears to be of easy cultivation; the plant from
which our drawing was made is now grown very much, and is
entirely covered with flower buds, so that it will be still finer the
next time it blooms. It succeeds well in an equal mixture of light
sandy loam and peat, and only requires protection from severe
frost; and young cuttings, planted under bell-glasses in sand, will
strike root. It will also produce plenty of seeds, if a little pains be
taken to fertilize the stigma with the pollen when in bloom.
The generic name was given by Mr. Brown, in compliment
to A. P. Hove, Esq. a Polish Naturalist, who has introduced
many interesting plants to our collections.
1. Calyx, with the two braetes at its base, and 2. Vexijlum. 3. The 2 Alae orwings. 4. Keel spreado noep elonw, sehr odwoiwngn tthhee peeardsu nactl eth. e bopaseen., 5sh. oSwidineg v itehwe foilfa mtheen tssa mdies,t inschto waitn gth teh ep osihnatsrp. k7e. eOl.v a6r. iuTmhe, 1te0r mStianmateends, bspyr ethade
pnbescent Style and small capitate Stigma.