ACACIA mollissima.
Handsome soft Acacia.
Linnean Class und Order. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. DC. prodr.2. p. 93.
Subordo III. seu Ordinis.—Tribus VIII. MIMOSEÆ. DC. j. c. 2. p. 424.
ACACIA. Supra fol. 6.
Sect. IV. Foliis bipinnatis, floribus in capitula giobosa DC. I. c. p. 460. collectis. Globifloræ.
§2. INERMES—** Antheris glabris, stigmate simplici. Julibrissinæ.
A. mollissima, inermis, ramis petiolisque angulatis pubescentibus, pinnis 8-18-jugis ;
foliolis 30-40-jugis linearibus obtusis confertis glabriusculis, glanduiâ inter pinnas
omnes, capitulis pedicellatis secus pedunculum axillarem racemosis.
Acacni.a 2 m21o.l lSisusiitm. ah.o rWt. e1n0u2m.. 2. p. 1053. Link etmm. 2. p. 445. DC. prodr. 2. p. 470.
A stiff upright bushy shrub: branches slightly angular, thickly
clothed with a dense soft pubescence or short hairs, which wear off
by age. Leaves with 8 to 18 pair of pinnae; leaflets from 30 to
40 pair, crowded, linear, obtuse, clothed with a short yellow pubescence
when young, but soon becoming smooth. Petioles and rachis angular, densely clothed with short hairs; a little below
each pair of pinnae is a large flattish gland, that is decurrent
down the stalk. Stipules very small, becoming black by age. Flowers of a golden yellow, fragrant, almond-scented, in globular
heads, which are on simple or compound racemes, lower
racemes compound or paniculate, the upper ones simple, densely
crowded together. Flower-stems densely clothed with short
soft hairs. Bractes very short and small, ovate, acute, black or
dark brown. Pedicles pubescent. Heads globular, many-flowered.
Calyx slightly 5-iobed. Petals 5,ovate, erect. Stamens numerous, filaments and anthers bright yellow.
Our drawing of this handsome and sweet-scented species was
made the beginning of last May, at the Nursery of Mr. Joseph