White-flowered Anthocercis.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. Soeasieæ. Brown pro dr. p. 143.
Sect. II. Corolla non plicata, regnlaris. Stamina didynama. Embryo leviter arcu-
atns. Pericarpium capsulare v. baccatum. Brown l.c. p. 448.
ANTHOCERCIS. Calyx 5-fidns. Corolla campanulata, tubo basi coarctatà, sta-
minifera ; limbo 5-partito, æquali. Stamina inelusa, didynama, cum rudimento 5 ti.
Stigma capitato-emarginatum. Capsula 2-locnlaris, 2-valvis, valvarum marginibus in-
flexis, placentae parallel® insertis. Semina reticulata.—Frutices glabriusculi («. pubes-
centes). Folia alterna, petiolo basive attenuate, cum ramo articulata, crassa, nunc glandu-
loso-punctata. Flores axillares, subsolitarii, pedunculo minuté bracteato, ad articulum sce-
pills solubili. Corolla alba. v. flam, speciosa, tubo intils striato, limbo quandoque (5)-6-8-
partito. Brown prodr. p.448.
A. albicans, foliis oblongis obtusis utrinqae ramisque dense tomentosis, corollis 5-par-
titis: laciniis tnbo longioribus.
Anthocercis albicans. Cunningham in Appendix to B. Field’s Geographical Memoirs of
New South Wales, p. 335. t. Swt. hort. brit. p. 295.
A dwarf branching evergreen shrub: branches slender, densely
clothed with soft wool, their points slightly pendent. Leaves
short, almost sessile, oblong or nearly oval, obtuse, densely clothed
on both sides with a soft grey tomentum, composed of stellate
fascicles of short hairs. Petioles very short, also clothed with
fascicles of soft hairs. Flowers axillary and terminal, fragrant. Peduncles very short, scarcely half the length of the calyx. Calyx
5 -cleft; tube slightly pubescent: lacinise upright, narrow, scarcely
acute, clothed with starry fascicles of hairs. Corolla white,
narrowly campanulate, 5-cleft: tube contracted at the base, and
spreading at the mouth, streaked inside with several bluish purple
stripes, some of which are branched : lacinise stellately spreading,
very narrow, subulately linear, longer than the tube. Stamens
4 , inserted in the tube, a little above the base, and included, 2 long
and 2 short: filaments pubescent, flattened at the base, and
tapering upwards: anthers peltate, kidney-shaped: pollen straw