very slender: lamina concave, densely clothed with long glossy
brown hairs. Stamens 4 , inserted in the hollow of the lamina; anthers linear; pollen yellow. Style smooth and glossy, rigid
and of a horny substance, thickest at the base and tapering upwards,
straw-coloured. Stigma simple, green, ending in scarcely
an acute point.
Our drawing of this handsome plant was taken from fine specimens,
kindly sent to us, in full flower, by our respected friend,
Mr. P. M‘Arthur, Gardener to A. Baring, Esq. in whose splendid
conservatory, at the Grange, it produced its handsome and
delightfully fragrant flowers, in May last; the scent of the flowers
is delicious, having very much the fragrance of ripe peaches or
apricots, and the plant itself forms a fine evergreen bush, the
handsome and singular foliage of which always renders it an
object of attraction ; the plant was first procured from Mr. Mac-
kay, of the Clapton Nursery, and is one of the rarities that was
collected by Mr. W. Baxter, on the south coast of New Holland:
we believe the present plant is the first of the sort that has yet
flowered from his collection. It is, certainly, one of the most
desirable plants for the Greenhouse or Conservatory, both from
its beauty, and the exquisite fragrance of its flowers. It succeeds
well in an equal tnixture of light turfy loam, peat, and sand, with
the pots well drained with potsherds, that the wet may pass oft
readily. Ripened cuttings taken off at a joint, and planted^ in
sand, under a hand-glass, in a cool situation, without shortening
their leaves, will root readily.
1. One of the outer bractes of the Involucrum, terminated 2 One of the inner broadish ones. 3. One of the inmost linear onesi.n 4a. Pleeanfayn tphoiuinmt. ■ spJruet ado no poenne, sshidoew, insgh othwei nfgo utrh Se taSmtyelnes eins ctahpei nhgo llionw ap obinetnst odf itrheec tsieognm. en5t.s T. h0e. Sstaymlee,
terminated by a simple green Stigma.