HAKEA saligna.
Willow-leaved Hakea.
Linnean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEiE. Broum Linn, trans. 10.p.46.
Tribus XI. F ructos d eHIScens.—A. U nilocularis. HAKEA. Perianthium 4-phyllum, irregulare, foliolis secundis; apicibus cavis
staminiferis. Antherae immersae. Glandula hypogyna unica dimidiata. Ovarium pe-
diccllatum, dispermum. Stigma snbobliqiuun, e basi dilatata mueronatum. Folliculus
unilocularis, ligneus, pseudo-bivalvis, loculo excentrico. Semina all. apicis nucleo
longiore.— Frutices rigidi, quandoque Arbores mediocres, pilis dum adsint medio affixis!
Folia sparsa, in variis varia, nunc in eodemfrutice diversiformia. Fasciculi v. Racemuli
scepiiis axillares, in plerisque involucrati, squamis imbricatis, scariosis, daducis, rudimenta
ramulorum aliquandu simul includentibus, ideoque potiis pro gemma habendis, sed genus,
extra tropicum saltern, a confinibus optimb distinguentibus, aliis notis in quibusdam vacil-
lantibus. Pedicelli colorati, in racemosis geminati, paribus unibracteatis. Flores parvi,
albi, v. ochroleuci. Pistillum glaberrimum, stylo subdeciduo. Folliculus parietibus in-
crassatis. Semina atra, rarb cinerea. Brown prodr. p. 381.
Sect. III. Folia omnia plana.— B. Folia omnia integerrima.
H. saligna, foliis elongato-lanceolatis integerrimis uninervibus acutis apiculo sphacelate
omnibus ramulisque glaberrimis, capsulis axillaribus gibbosis: apice com-
presso utrinqne carinato.Hakea saligna. Brown Linn , trBarnosw. 1n0 p. ip-o.d3r8. 5p.. 38H5.ort. Kew. ed.2. v. 1. p. 210. Salisb.
in Knight’s prot. 108. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 3. p. 423. Spreng. syst. 1. p. 479.
Concilium salignum. Smith Linn, trans. 9. p. 124.
Embothrium salignum. Andrews’ reposit. t. 215. ____________
A handsome upright evergreen shrub; the one from which
our drawing was made was about 12 feet high, and formed a
handsome bush: branches erect or slightly spreading, cylindrical,
smooth and glossy, the bark of a light brown colour Leaves alternate, about four inches long, and half an inch
broad, lanceolate, acute, tapering towards the base, slightly undulate,
flat, smooth on both sides, one-nerved, the points yellowish,
soon turning brown, margins entire. Petioles short, flat
on the upper side, and convex on the lower, smooth. Flowers
white, very sweet-scented, the scent very like those of Hawthorn,
in close umbel-like fascicles in the axils of the leaves. Bractes
ovate, obtuse, concave, fringed, soon turning brown and dropping
off. Peduncles smooth, slender, nearly equal in length. Perianthium of four irregular leaflets, the points of which are
revolute, the two back ones rather the shortest. Stamens 4,
inserted in the hollow points of the perianthium. Ovarium
smooth, inflated. Style smooth, longer than the leaflets, bent backwards.
Stigma convex, bent downwards, and enclosed in the
points of the perianthium before its expansion. Capsule large,