Rough thread-leaved Melaleuca.
Natural Order. MYRTACE^. Subordo I. MYRTEJE. Flores Kint hf.o lsiyonronpms. 3a.x pil.l i4s1 0a.ut in pedunculis multifloris
oppositi. Folia plernmque opposita et punctata. Kth. 1. c. p. 410.
MELALEUCA. Staminumphalanges 5, petalis opposite, elongate: anthers m-
cumbentes. Capsula 3-locularis polysperma, connata et inclusa calycis tubo incrassato
basi adnato (rarao). Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 410.
Sect. I. Folia alterna.
M. scabra, foliis teretiuscuHs mucronnlatis scabris confertis, capitulis globosis, pba-
langibus 4-6-andris: unguibus petala subaequantibns. Brown. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. .siclaib. ra. Spreng, syst. 3. p. 336. Swt. hort. brit.p. 156.
A pretty bushy evergreen Shrub, resembling a small Cypress
or Cedar; branches leaning to one side, rather pendulous or
nodding, clothed with a rugged scaly bark, slender when young,
and warted. Leaves numerous, crowded, irregularly scattered,
generally pointing to one side, rigid, nearly cylindrical, slenderest
towards the base and thickening upwards, terminated by a
short mucro, very rough, occasioned by numerous small tubercles
with which they are covered. Flowers in numerous terminal
heads, very much crowded, of a bright dark purple, and of
an aromatic scent. Rractes broadly ovate, concave, deciduous. Pedicles clothed with tufts of white woolly hairs. Calyx tubular,
slender at the base and widening upwards, smooth, slightly
5-cleft, the laciniae short, broad, and membranaceous. Petals 5,
inserted in the calyx, ovate, obtuse, about the length of the unguis.
Stamens in 5 sets, inserted in the calyx, opposite to the
petals, 3 to 6 in each set: filaments smooth, dark purple, inserted
in the back of the anthers.
For the opportunity afforded us of giving a figure of this rare
and beautiful plant, we are obliged to Mr. J. Miller, of the
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