GRE VILLE A acuminata.
Tapering-pointed Grevillea.
Limean Class and Order. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PROTEACEÆ. Brown Linn, trans. 10. p. 46.
Tribus II. F ructus d ebiscen s.—A. UN1LOCULARIS.
GREVILLEA. Supra foi. 7.
Sect. II. P ty ch o c a r pa . Folia omnia integerrima. Flores fasciculati v. in racemo
abbreviate,Jloribus superioribus preecocioribus ! Ovarium subsessile. Stylus hirsuius r, to-
mentosus. Folliculus costatus! Brown prodr. 378.
G. acuminata, foliis oblongo-ovatis lanceolatisve subacuminatis mucronatis supra punctata)
scabris subtus cinereo-tomentosis, racemis paucifloris porrectis recurvisve,
pistillis hirsntis, perianthiis demum glabriusculis, ramulis pubescentibus.
Grevillea acuminata. Brown Linn, trans. 10. p. 173. Prodr. I. p. 378. Hort. Kew.
ed. 2. v. 1. p. 205. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 3. p. 413. Spreng. syst. I. p. 476.
A handsome dwarf bushy evergreen Shrub : branches slender,
slightly pendulous, or bending at the points, purplish when young,
and clothed with tufts of short rigid hairs, which spread in various
directions. Leaves very variable, alternate, spreading, very frequently
twisted, ovate, oblongly ovate or lanceolate, and tapering
to a long slender point which is mucronate, of a glossy green on
the upper side, but very rough, occasioned by very small tubercles
on which the little tufts of hairs are, or have been seated;
underneath of a pale green, and clothed with a thin grey tomen-
tum ; margins more or less bent backwards. Petioles very short,
also clothed with little fascicles of hairs. Racemes terminal,
2 to 1 0 -flowered, slightly recurved. Peduncles smooth and
glossy, or but slightly pubescent, purplish. Pedicles densely
pubescent. Flowers all leaning to one side, or ascending, of a
whitish green, with a purple style. Perianthium thickly clothed
with close pressed white hairs when young, but becoming nearly
smooth and glossy when expanded, split in front for the exclusion
of the style, the points bent backwards, slightly 4-cleft, the 2 upper
laciniae longest, all densely bearded in the throat. Stamens
4, inserted in the hollow points of the laciniae ; anthers