In the church were depofited the remains o f feveral of thij
great name. Firft appears the effigies o f good Sir James, the I
moft diftinguiihed of the houfe, the favorite of Robert Bruit, I
and- the knight appointed as moft worthy to carry his mailer’s I
heart to be interred beneath the high altar in the temple of Jen. I
falem. He fet out, attended with a train of two hundred knights I
and gentlemen, having the gold box, containing the royal heart, I
fui'pended from his neck. He firft put into the port of Skys, on I
the coaft of Flanders, where he ftayed for twelve days, living on I
board in regal pomp (for he did not deign to land) and all his I
velïèls were o f gold *. Here he. was informed, that Alphonfo, King l
o f Spaini was engaged in war with the Saracen King of Grenada: I
not to lofe this bleffed opportunity of fighting againft the enemies I
o f the crofs, he and his knights failed* inftantly for Valentia, was I
moft honorably received by the Spanijh monarch, luckily found I
him on the point o f giving battle ; engaged with great valour, was I
furrounded by the infidels, flain, in the: fight, and the heart of I
Robert Bruce, which was happily refcued, inftead of vifiting the
Holy Land, was carried to the convent o f Metros, and the body of
Sir James to this church ; where his figure lies crofs-legged, his
holinefs ' having decreed that fervices againft the infidels in Spain
ffiould have equal merit with thofe performed in Palejline.
Near him, beneath a magnificent tomb, lies Archibald firft
Earl of Douglafs, and fécond Duke, of Terouan, in France -, his
father, flain at the battle of Vemeuil, being honored by the Frété
King with that title. He: lies in his ducal robes and coronet.
* Froiffart, fib. I. c. 21.