
Q u i c k s i l v e r «
D a n ish FORT.
A fmall quantity o f quickfilver has been found in the moors'
which ought to encourage a farther fearch.
Continue the walk, to the neighboring hill o f Dun-BSorairJ;
on the fummit is a Banifi fort, o f a circular form, atprefent aboiil
fourteen feet high, formed of excellent mafonry, but without mori
tar : the walls are twelve feet thick ; and within their very thick]
nefs is a gallery, extending all around, the caferne for the garrifon o|
the place where the arms were lodged fecure from wet. The'ej
trance is low, covered at top with great flat ftone, and on each fide ij]
a hollow, probably intended for guard-rooms, the infide of the foil
is a circular area, o f fifty-two feet diameter,. with a ftone feJ
running all round the bottom o f the wall, about two feet Ml
where might have been a general refting-place o f chieftains J
On the outfide of. the fort, , is another work,. under which is thJ
veftige o f a fubterraneous paffage condufting into it, a fort j
fally port. Round the whole o f this antient fortrefs is a detj
fofs. Three of thefe forts are generally, within fight, fo that ini
cale o f any attempt made on any one, a fpeedy alarm might iJ
given to the others. Each was the centre o f a fmall diftriftj
and to them the inhabitants might repair for fhelter in cafe of an
attack by the enemy: the notice was given from the fort, at
night by the light of a torch, in the day by the the found of
trumpet: an inftrument celebrated among the Banes, fometimes
made of brafs, fometimes o f horn*. The northern Bards fpeak
hyperbolically o f the effedt of the blaft blown by the mouth of tin
• Womit mu/eum, . Boat's nat. hiß. Ireland, 19 7 . Smith's hiß. Cork,
L The great Roland caufed his trumpet Olivant * to be heard
twenty miles, and by the found fcattered about the very brains of one
I Return^and fee on the road fide the ruins of a chapel dedicated to
I t Columla; and near k an antient crofs.
I Several gentlemen o f the ifland favor me with a vifit; and offer
I , . fervice to condudt me to whatever was worthy of attention.
Bet out in their company, on horfeback, and ride South, crofling
|he country ; find the roads excellent, but the country quite open ;
End too much good land in a ftate of nature, covered with heath,
■but mixed with plenty of natural herbage. See feme ftunted
■woods of birch and hazels, giving fhelter to black game. On
I Jmuonart, or the plain ridge, are the veftiges of feme butts, where
■the great Mac-donald exercifed his men at archery. Reach and dine
■ Kihrow, a village feated on Loch-in-daal, a vaft bay, that pene-
Irates very deeply into the ifland. Oppofite Bomore, ihips of three
■hundred tuns may ride with fafety ; which renders it a very conve-
Hnient retreat. , T t,
I Near Kihrow is the feat of the proprietor o f the ifland. In the
■church-yard, is now proftrate a curious column, perhaps the fhaftof
l a crofs, for the top is broken off ; and near it is a flat ftone, with a
■hole in the middle, the probable pedeftal. The figures and infenp-
|tions are faithfully expreffed in the plate.
The two moft remarkable grave-ftones are, one of a warrior,
| in a cloie veil and fleeves, with a fort o f phillebeg reaching to his
Wormii Mon. Dan. 381.
K k 2 knees,
W l
J u l y 3«
K i l a r o w *
T o m b s .