
virons o f Warrington, into the Mediterranean, at the medium-price
of i4d. per buihel. This is the root which honeft Gerard, about
two hundred and forty years ago, fpeaks of as a food, as alfo a meat
for pleafure being either rofted in the embers or boiled and. eaten with oik
vinegar and pepper or. dreffed: fome other way by the hand, of a fkilful
cooke *.
The falmon filhery is very confiderable,. but the opportunity -
of fending them to London, and other places,, at: the beginning:
o f the feafon, keeps up the price to about 8d per pound, which
gradually finks to 3d or 2d halfpenny, to the great aid of thé
poor manufafturers. Smelts,, or as they are called in all the
North, fparlings, migrate in the Spring up this river in amazing
flioals, and o f a fize fuperior to thofe of other parts, fome having
been taken that, weighed half; a pound,. and meafured thirteen
In this river is found a fmall fiih called the Graining, in fome
refpedts refembling the. dace, yet is a diftinét and perhaps new.
fpecies; the ufual 'length is feven inches-and a half; it is rather
more flender than the dace,, the body, is almoft lirait, that of the
other incurvated; the color of the fcales in this is filvery, with
a bluiih call; thofe o f the dace have a yellowiih. or greenifh
tinge: the eyes, the ventral and the anal fins in the Graining are-
of a pale color f . .
Make a vifit to John Blackburne, Efq; at his feat o f Orford, à .
mile from Warrington ; dine and lie there. This gentleman from
* Herbal, 928»
f Ray’s ia P. D. S. P. P. 15. V. 9, A. 10. C. 32,
I N S C O T L A N D.
his earlieft life,. like another Evelyn, has made his garden the employ
and amufement o f his leifure hours ; and been moft fuccefsful
in every part he has attempted ., in façft he has an univerfal knowledge
in the culture of plants. He was the fécond in thefe kingdoms
that cultivated, the Pine apple.: has the beft fruit and the belt
kitchen garden: his coUeéHpn of. hardy exotics is exceedingly'
numerous and Ms colleftion of hot-houfe plants is at left equal to
that at Kew. He neglefts no branch o f botany, has the aquatic
plants in their proper elements ; the rock plants on artificial rocks ;
and you may. be here, betrayed into a bog by attempting to gather.
thofe of the morafs.
Mrs. Blackburne his daughter extends her refearches ftill farther,,
and adds to her empire another kingdom : not content with the-
botanic, ihe caufes North America to be explored for its animals,,
and has formed a Mufeum from the other fide of. the Atlantic, as
pleafing as it is inftrudtive.
In this houfe is a large family- p.iéture o f the AJhtotds of Chad-
derton, confifting of a gentleman, his lady, eleven cMldren living
at that time,,and three infants who died in their birth: it was
painted in the reign of f ames I. by Tobias Ratcliff ; but has lo little
merit, that I ihould not have mentioned it, but to add one. more-
to Mr. Wàlpold s lift o f painters.
May 19, Pafs through Winwick, a fmall village remarkable for
being the richeft reftory in England: the living is worth 2300 1.
per annum; the Reftor is Lord o f the Manor, and has a glebe
of 13001. annual rent : it is fingular that this county, the féventh
in fize in England, has only fixty-one^^ parhh;es,,whereas. Nprfçilk,.
the next in dimenfions has no fewer than fix hundred and fixty.