
is very various : in fome parts fifty fathoms ; in others, fo ih allow
as to be fordable at the ebb of fpring-tides. On the banks of the
ifland and mainland, the ftrata of ftone rife in form of walls, of a
great height, and not above two feet and a half thick, extending
far, fo as eafily to be miftaken for the bounds of an enclofure.
A r d - m a d d i e . Arrived in the beautiful bay o f Ard-maddie, or the height of the
Wolves. A houfe fmall, but elegant, Hands in front, and the fides
o f the bay high, entirely claathed with wood. Here I find the
kindeft welcome from my worthy acquaintance, Captain Archibald
Campbel, tenant here to the Earl o f Breadalbane; who, with
the utmoft friendlhip, during the voyage charged himfelf with
the care o f my groom and my horfes. Here I alfo took leave of
Mr. Archibald Thompfon; whofe attention to the objefts o f my
enquiries, obliging conduit throughout, and ikill in his profef-
fion, demand my warmeft acknowlegements. Thus ended this
voyage o f amufement, fucce-fsful and fatisfaitory in every part,
unlefs where embittered with refledtions on the fufferings o f my
fellow-creatures. Gratitude forbids my filence refpedi.ng the
kind reception I univerfally met with > or the active zeal o f every
one to facilitate my purfuits; or their liberal communication of
every fpecies of information, ufeful or entertaining.
I retired to my chamber, filled with refleitions on the various
events of my voyage; and every fcene by turns prefented itfelf
before my imagination. As foon as my eyes were clofed, I discovered,
that the Jlumber of the body, was ' but the waking of the
foul*. All I had feen appeared to have been dull and clouded to
* Brown’; Religio Medici•
fny apprehenfion, ferving to evince, that our waking conceptions
do not match the fancies of our Jleep*. I imagined myfelf again
gently wafted down the found of M u ll-, bounded on each fide by
the former dominions, of mighty chieftains; or of heroes immortalized
in the verfe of O s s ia n . My bufy fancy was worked into
-a lpecies of enthufiafm, and for a time it
Bodied forth
The forms o f things unknown;
Turned them to fhape, and gave to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
A figure, drefied in the garb of an antient warrior, floated in the
air before me: his target and his clymore feemed of no common
-fize, and fpoke the former ftrength of the hero. A graceful
vigor was apparent in his countenance, notwithftanding time had
robbed him of part o f his locks, and given to the remainder a
Venerable hoarinefs. As foon as he had fixed my attention-, he
thus feemed to addrefs himfelf to me :
‘ S t r a n g e r , Thy purpofe is not unknown to me - I have at-
e tended thee '(invifible) in all thy voyage; have fympathiled
‘ with thee in the riling tear at the mifery o f my once-loved coun-
* try; and fighs, fuch as a fpirit can emit, have been faithful
‘ echoes to thole of thy corporeal frame.
‘ K n ow , that in the days of my exiftence on earth, I poffefled
f an ample portion of the trait thou feeft to the North. I was
* the dread of the neighboring chieftains ; the delight o f my peo-
* d b ù t.