Si Je eftoie une pucellette,
Je le douroie cuer et cors,
Tant eft de lui bons li recors.
The poet then defcribes the caftle and its fituation with great
exa&nefs; and gives it the very fame form and fite it has at
prefent: fo that I cannot help thinking that it was never fo entirely
deftroyed, but that fome of the old towers yet remain.
Kaerlawerok cafteaus eftoit
Si fort ki liege ne doubtoit;
Ainz ki li rois illicec venift,
Car rendre ni le convenift.
James mais kil fuft a fon droit,
Garniz quant befogns en vendroit
D e gens de engins et de vitaille,
Com uns efcus eftoit de taille,
Car ni ot ke trois coftez entour,
£ t en cbefcune angle une tour.
Mes ki le une eftoit jumilee,
Tant hauti et tant longue et Aant lei,
Ke par defouz eftoit la porte .
A Pont tournis, bien faite et forte,
Et autres defenfes affes, &c.
It is worth obferving, that it was taken by force o f engines,
and the Englijh as late as the time in queftion ufed much the fame
method o f attack as the Greeks and Romans did: for they drove
the enemy from the walls by ihowers o f ftones, flung from engines
fimilar to the Catapult* of the antients 5 and they ufed alio
urietes or battering rams.
Entre les affaus efmaia,
Ffrere Robert ki envoia
Meinte piere par Robinet ;
Juq au foir des le matinet
Le jour devant cefle ne avoit,
De-.autre part ancore i levoit
Trois autres engins moult plus grans
Et il pénibles et engrans,
Ke le chattel du tout confondi
Tant il receut mo’t piere enfonde*
De/chocs et kanf s ateint fent
A lès coups rien ne fe deffent.
On the furrender Kdwardbehaved with more moderation Lian
L a s ufual to him : for his laurels were wont to be blighted with
Steeds unworthy of his heroifm : but in this cafe the poor reliques
|of the garrifon experienced his clemency,
Lors fon iffirent ce eft la fome
Ke de uns ke de autret foiflant home
A grant merveille refguardes
Mes tenus furent et guardez
Tant ke li Roys en ordena
K i vie et membre leur donna
Et a chafm robe nouuele
Lors fu joieufe la nouulî.
A toute li oft du chattel pris
K i tant eftoit de noble pris.
It appears that the king immediately mounted his colors on the
caftle *, and appointed three barons o f the firft reputation to take
charge o f it.