Return to Corbie-, and find in the houfe an excellent pifture o f a
mufician playing on a bafe-viol ; the work of a Spanijh mailer,
part of the plunder of 'Vigo. A large piece o f the emperor Chariest.
and his emprefs ; he fitting with a ftern look, as if reproving
her, and alluding to a caiket on a table before them. She
ftands, and has in her countenance a mixture of obft'inacy and
fear. .
-O n the ftair caie is a full length of Lord William Howard, third
fon of the Duke of Norfolk, known in thefe parts by the name o f bald
ffrilly. He lived in the time o f Queen Rlizabeth, and was the. terror
of the P/Lofs troopers, ruling with a rod of iron, but by his neceifary
féverity, civilized the country.
There are no traces of the old caftle. The manor belonging to it
was granted by Henry II. to Hubert de Vallibus, who configned it to
William de Odard lord of Corbie. In the 31ft of Edw. I. it was held
by Fhomds de Richewiount ; from him, came to Sir Andrew de Harcla,
the unfortunate Earl of Carlile, executed in the time o f Edw. II. and
on his attainder, to Sir Richard dé SalMd : from his heirs to lord
William Howard, theft of Haworth, who fettled it upon his fécond fon,
iff whofe line it ftill continues.
Returned to Carlile,' and continué there till the 30th. Crofs the
Èden, that flows about ten miles below into the Solway Firth. Pals
Over near the' village of Stanwiok, a mile from Carlile. The fite of
the Piils, or more properly Adrian”& Gt SeverUs’s wall, begun by the
firft emperor, and completed by the laft, who may with more juftice
be faid to have built a wall of ftone, near the place, where Adrian
had made his of turf. For that reafon the Britains ftyled it Gual-
fever, Gal-fever, and Mur-fever. But at prefent not a trace is to be
P i c t u r e s a t
C o r b i e .
O w n e r s o f
C o r b i e .
M a y 30.