'M a y 28.
W a r w i c k
c h u r c h .
ithem (without the ihadow o f impeachment of his Highnefs’s word)
for future juftice.
The town at prefent confifts of two pariihes, St. Cuthberf s and
the cathedral, and contains about four thouland inhabitants ; is
handfomely built, and kept very neat. Here is a confiderable
manufadhire o f .printed linens and coarfe checks, which bring in
near 3000]. per annum in duties to the crown. It is noted for a
great manufacture o f •whips, which employs numbers of children;
here are alfo made moil: excellent fifh-hooks ; but I was told that
the mounting them with flies is an art the inhabitants o f Langholm
.are celebrated for.
Saw, at Mx.,Bernard Burton s, a pleaiing fight o f twelve little in-
.duftrious girls fpinning at once at a horizontal wheel, which fet
twelve bobbins in motion; yet fo contrived that fhould any acci-
¡ K g happen to one, the motion of that might be flopped without any
impediment to the others.
A t Mrs. Cuft's I was favored with the fight of a fine head of
father Huddlejlon, in black, with a large band and long grey hair,
with an uplifted crucifix in his hand, probably taken in°the attitude
in which he lulled the foul , of the departing profligate
Charles II. .
Crofs the little river Petrel, the third that bounds the city, and at
about three miles Eaft, fee Warwick, or Warthwick church, remarkable
for its tribune or rounded Eaft end, with thirteen narrow niches,
ten feet eight high, and feventeen inches broad, reaching almoft to
the ground, and the top of each arched ; in two or three is a fmall
window. The whole church is built with good cut-ftone; the
len g th
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