croffways, with a ftar near each, and certain, letters I could nod
read. Gn the wall is infcribed,
A- Uaide de Dieu.
and at fome diftance beneath,
Hie jacet D-na Margaret a regis Scotia filia quodam comitiiTa de Dd»m
Dna Golh'vidies et vallis annandice.
In the front of the tomb are nine ihields,, containing is many arras:
in one are the three ftars,,the original coat of this great houfe, f « H
the heart was not added till the good Sir James was employed i i l
carrying that of Robert Bruce to the holy land befides thefe, arethil
arms after that event; and alfo their arms as Lords o f Annanki;.j
Galloway and Liddefdale. Near the tomb is a door-cafe,,richly orai
mented with carving ; and on the. top the heart and chalices, as ii
the former.
In other parts o f the remains o f the church' are the arms of tht
Rouglaffes, or Dukes of ’T.erouart, Earls o f Jngus, o f Ormond, and«
Murray : here, are befides the arms of, John Stewart,..Earl of JtH
with the motto, firth, fortune, and fil the fetters.-.
Beneath one of the windows, are two rows of figures-; .the upp«
of angels, the lower of a corps and other figures, all much defaced,
but feemingly defigned to exprefs. the preparations -for the interment
o f our Saviour.
Behind the houfe are veftiges of-a flower-garden, with the parteris
and fcrolls very vifible -,. and near that a great artificial mount, wit«
a fpiral walk to the top, which is hollowed, and has a turf
around to command the heauiiful views; fo. that the provoft and b
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