' A n d fw a fa l l fw e r e upon th e h a l i e e v a n c e l l th a t th e r e -a fc e r
■ fa ll n e v e r commit r e i f nor th e i f t . A le x , i i . e . 6 .
| If ane manilayer takes h im fe lfto the immunitie o f the K irk , he
be admoniffed and required to come forth and prefent himfelt
the law | to know g i f the flauchter was committed be forthocht
' or murther. ,
And e i f he be admoniffed, and w ill not come forth-, fra that
forth in all time thereafter he fal be baniihed and exiled as
committer o f murther and forethocht fe lo n ie ; keep and re-
to him the immunitie o f the k irk to the w h ilk he take
’ R ob . i i . c. 9.
care was alfo taken that they ihould receive no injury
their retreat: penalties were enafted for even ftn k in g •, b u t
murder o f any, | T h e K in g was to have from the flayer
nine kyes and ane zoun g k ow ; and the offender was alfo
to the friends o f the defunft conforme to the laws o f the
W il. c. 5. . . _
cathedral lies a little to the north o f this in c lo fu re ; is in T he cathedral.
o f a crofs. T h e length from eaft to weft is a hundred and
feet. T h e breadth twenty-three. T h e length o f the tran-
feventy. O v e r the centre is a handfome tow e r : on each o f
is a window with ftone work o f different forms in every
the fouth fide o f the chancel are fame Gothic arches fupported
pillars, nine feet eight inches high, including the capitals ;
eight feet nine inches in circumference. T h e capitals are quite
Iculiar; carved round with various fuperftitious figures, among
p r s is an angel weighing o f fouls.