
go A T O U R
end every other antiquity colledted on the fpot, are carefully pre.l
ferved, and lodged in the green houfe, with fome others collefiedl
in different parts of the country, which gave me an opportunity!
o f forming the following catalogue, illuftrated with fome figures!
for the amufement of thofe who are fond of this ftudy.
i. The infcription which preferves the memory of the cohort!
lieutenant .and propraetor, who founded the Baftlica Equeftris equi-l
tata exercitatoria at this place. This was a fort o f public riding!
fchool, for exercifing the cavalry and infantry, who were to fervel
mixed with them. T o this explication o f Ro&or Taylor, P i !
Tranf. vol. i. iii. may be added this fhrewd remark o f that gentle-l
man, that the dedication of this edifice to the emperor Marcus Am\
.lius Severus Alexander, by thefe words,
Devota numini Majeftatique ejus.
brings under fufpicion the opinion of the emperor’s inclination tol
chriftianity, and averfion to thofe idolatrous compliments, for ac-
cording to Lampridius, Dominum fe appellari vetuit.
II. An Altar about three feet high, infcribed,
Deo fan&o C o c id io Paternus Maternus Tribunus
Coh. i . Nervane ex evocato Palatino. V. S. L. M.
This feems to be devoted to the local deity, Cocidius, by fome
veteran, who had been difcharged, and promoted. Mr. Horfih,
No. XVII. Cumberland, preferves a fragment infcribed to this
deity, by Cohors prima uElia Dacorum.
I TII The altar with the Greek infcription, found at Cartridge, m
Northumberland, engraven in Archaelogia II. One one fide is a Pa-
on the other, a moil elegant prtferieulum. The infcription.
feems no more than this, you fie me an altar (dedicated) to Aftarte;
Puleher ereUed it. The per was probably a Sjn**, who ferv-
Srig in the Roman army, affumed a Roman name: at left fuch is the
opinion o f the gentleman I confulted.
W i v . The altar found in one of the rooms in the Hypocaujt, at
Netherby, addreffed,
I Dese fanctse F o r t u n e confervatrici M a r c u s A u r e l i u s S a l v i u s
Tribunus, Coh. i. ael. Hifpanorum 00 Eq. V. S. L . M. It is
to be obferved, that this perfon’s name is in the infcription ori the
JtyflJlllCCl* TtJT
1. V. A fmall altar Deo V e t e r i faritto.......................V. S. L . M.
Mr. Horfily preferves fome infcriptions to Vitires, a local deity:
perhaps the fculptor may have in this place inferted the two e’s
ijnftead of the i. i.
V v i . The altar preferved by Mr. Gordon, infcribed Deo Mo-
■o o n t i vitires. Flavite fecund. V. S. L . M.
■ VII. Another, a fragment Deo B e l a t u c a . . . or to Belatu-
tqdrus, a provincial name for Mars.
m VIII. The altar * found near Cambeck, and transferred to Netherby,
infcribed . . . . B. V. omnium gentium templum olim
vetuftate conlabfum J u l . P i t ia n u s . P. P. reftituit.
t IX. The firft fculpture that merits notice is that figured by Mr.
* None of the fealtars or ftones have any remarkable fculpture j therefore no part
of them merit engraving, except the pretty veffel on -No, III.
M Horfefy,