nature, found in the n eighb orhood a round pot o f mixed
metal, not unlike a fmall ihallow mortar, with two rings on one
fide, and two handles on the other.
Over Lockermofs is a road remarkable for its origin: a ftranger,
a great number of years ago,, fold Tome goods to certain merchants
at Dumfries upon credit: he difappeared, and neither lienor
his heirs ever clamed the money : the merchants in expectation
o f the demand very honeftly put out the fum to intereft.
and after a lapfe o f more than forty years, the town o f Dumfrk
obtained a gift o f it, and applied the fame towards making this
ufeful road. Another is now- in execution by the military, which
is alfo to pafs over Lockermofs, and is intended to facilitate the
communication between North Britain and Ireland, by. way of
Port Patric.
In this morning's- ride, pafs by a fquare inclofure of the fizeof
half an acre, moated round. This was a place o f refuge; for
in family difputes, luch was truly neoeflary,, and here any perfoit
who came,, remained in inviolable fecurity. ■
See the ifle of C'derlaveroc, with a border houfe in the middle,,
built by a Maxwell. This place is far from the fea; but ftyled an
ifle becaufe moated.
Vifit IVardlaw, a fmall. hill with a round Britijh camp,, fur-
rounded with two fofles on the to p ; and on the fouth, fide the
faint veftiges of a Roman camp, now much ploughed up.. The:
profpeft from this eminence is fine,, o f the firth,.the difchargeof
the river Nith or Nid, the Nobius o f Ptolemy;. and a long extent
of the. hills of Galloway,
- T h e
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