Proceed two miles farther; pafs under a high hill, with a w j
¿ipitous front, ftyled Sgor-more, or, the great projection; and
immediately after reach Dun-tuilm caftle, or, the caftle of the
round grajfy eminence, placed at the verge of a high precipice over]
the fea ; the ground adjacent formed of fine verdant turf.
Find our veffel at anchor under the little rocky Elan-tuilm, loftji
and of a pi&urefque form.
Take leave of feveral gentlemen, who, according to the w o j j
thy cuftom of thefe fflands, convoyed us from place to place, and i
never left us till they ’had delivered us over to the next hofpirabll j
roof, or feen us fafe'ly embarked. Among others who did m|§
this honor, was Doctor John Maclean, whole family have beej
hereditary phyficians, for fome centuries, to that o f Mac-donalm
They have been educated at the expence of the chieftain; and r e l
ceive -to .this day an appointment in land, holding the farm of j
Shulifta at the gates o f the antient refidence of the Mac-donalds, th||
caftle o f Dun-tuilm, which the DoCtor enjoys together with i ]
penfion -from the late Sir James Mac-donald.
Dun-tuilm caftle is a ruin, but was inhabited as late as-i7iiji
T j . '
Ft was the original feat of the Mac-donalds, in Site: near it, a hill, •
.called Cnock an eirick, or, the hill of pleas: fuch eminences arJj
frequent near the houfes o f all the great men, for on thefe, by th||
affiftance of .their friends, they determined all differences betwee«
their people-: the place was held facred, and to the refpeft pai®
to the decifions delivered from the fummit, may in fome meafurfl
be attributed the ftridt obedience o f a fierce and military race tal
their chieftain.
N e a li
B U I T I I L M E ‘ C A S T I L E »