M i l
H i
iorMr. 1‘bompfin informed me, that he had frequently taken them by
Lacing a herring on a hook, and finking it a fathom deep, which
liegannet plunges for and is taken.
I T h e view of Jona was very pidturefque : the Eaft fide, or that
Lhich bounds the found, exhibited a beautiful Variety; an extent
Ifplain, a little elevated above the water, and al'moft covered with
Hie ruins of the facred buildings,, and with the remains of the old
■ownftill inhabited. Beyond thefe the ifland'rifes into little rocky
hills, with narrow- verdant hollows between (for they merit not the-
|nme of vallies) and-numerous enough,for every reclufe to take his.
iolitary walk, undifturbed by fociety,
I The ifland belongs to the parilh o f Refs, in M ull; is three miles-
long and one broad •, the Eaft fide, moftly flat; the middle rifes into •
■ball hills; the Weft fide very rude and rocky : the whole is a fin-
Kgular mixture of rock, and fertility.
I The foil is a compound of fand and comminuted feaihells, mixed '
■with black loam ; is very, favorable to the growth of bear, natural;
plover,, crowsfoot and dailies. It is in perpetual tillage, and is
■ploughed thrice before the fowing:: the crops at this time made a
promifing appearance, but the feed was committed to the ground
■at very different times -, fome,I think, about the beginning of May,-
land fome not. three, weeks ago. Oats do not fucceed here.; but
pax and potatoes come on very’ well. I am informed, that the
|Min air-J, and.North.and.South. U ijl,,h fimilar .to that in;
I The tenants here run-rig, and fiave the pafturagein common. It.
Iflipports about a hundred and eight head of cattle, and about five;
I hundred iheep. T-here is, no heath in this ifland : cattle unufed tothatt
S o i l ;
P r o b u c i .