
May 20. Go over a flat country, with ruihy fields on each fide ; crois
the Broke and the Colder -, fee on the one fide Blazedale fells, and on
the other Belling mofs, which fome years ago made an eruption
fimilar to. that of Solway. Crofs the Wier, near Garftang, on a bridge
of two arches ; about twelve miles lower it fwells into a fine harbor,
whence the provincial proverb, as fafe as Wie r . . Veflels put
into it, for the fail-cloth made at Kirkham.
Garstana. Breakfaft at Garftang; a fmall towq, .-remarkable for the fine
cattle produced in it’s neighborhood-: a gentleman has.refufed
30 guineas for a three-year-old cow, ; has -fold a calf o f a month’s
age for 10 guineas, and bulls for 100; and has killed an ox
weighing i t fcore per quarter, exclufive of hide, entrails, &c_
Bulls alfo have been let out at the rate o f 30 guineas the fea-
fon ; fo that well might honeft Barnaby * celebrate the cattle of
this place, notwithilanding the misfortune he met with in one o f
it’s great fairs.
'V eni Gar Jiang, ubi nata
Sunt armenta fronte lata;
Veni Garjlang, ubi male
Intrans forum beftiale,
Forte vacillando vico
Hue et illuc cum amico,
In J uvencas dorfum rui,
Cujus cornu lasfus fui.
Abundance of potatoes are raifed about the place, and fent
to London, Ireland and Scotland.
* Better known by the name of drunken Barnaiy, who lived the beginning of
-the laft century, and publiihed his four itineraries in Latin rhyme.
F N S C O T L A N D .
Sir Edward Walpole- is Lord of this manor, hitr father having,
obtained a grant of it from the- crown-
Near the town,. on a knowl, is a fingle tower, the poor remains
of Grenehaugh caille,: it was buik-by the firft Stanley, Earl of Derby,
tofecure himfelf in his new ppffeffions, the forfeited eftatesofthe
Torkifts, who did not bear,, without refentment, this ufurpation on
their property. Among the attainted lands, which were veiled in
his lordihip, are reckoned - thofe of ■ Pilkington, Broughton, and-
Wotton *. ,
Soon after leaving Garftang; the country, grows more barren,
uneven, or (lightly hilly- From a common called the Grave have'
a fine view-of
LANCASTER, built of {tone, and lying on the fide of a h ill:
the caftle built by Edward III. + forms one great objeft, the church
another; - and far beyond is an arm.of the fea,- and the lofty
mountains o f J-'um'ft and Cumberland- The-town is-not-regular,
But is well built, and contains numbers o f very handfome houfes.
Every itranger mud admire the- front of Mr. Noble s faced with
(tone, naturally ■ figured with views-, rivers and mountains, in the
fame nature wifi the pictra imbofcata and ruinata o f the Italians, ■
The inhabitants are. alfo fortunate in having fome very ingenious
cabinet-makers fettlecT here; who fabricate moil excellent and
neat goods at remarkably cheap rates, which they export to London
and the plantations.- Mr, Gillc-As warcliouic of theie manufac--
tures merits a vilit.
*■ Leland's liin. vi. 35.
t Vetujla Mommtnta, &c. publiihed by the Society of Antiquarians, No. 41.
L a n c a s t e r .'-